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Journal of Insurance Regulation - Call for Papers for the NAIC's 150th Anniversary

In a recent announcement about regulatory priorities, David Altmaier, NAIC President and Florida Insurance Commissioner noted that “This year marks 150 years of NAIC members being unified in their commitment to protect consumers and ensure fair, competitive, and healthy markets.” In honor of this milestone, the Journal of Insurance Regulation is issuing a call for papers on the evolution of insurance regulation and the future of regulation. Even before the COVID-19 crisis, trends in big data, changes in the world economy, and enhancements to technology were starting to drive changes in the regulatory landscape. This and the current and future state of insurance regulation and serves as a resource for regulators working to manage the future of insurance regulation.

Papers can include the following topics:

  • Perspectives on the history of insurance regulation and its impact on the economy and society.
  • Analysis of the trends that are driving the future of insurance regulation and potential changes.
  • Evaluation of ways to ensure a robust and responsive insurance regulatory environment going forward.

More details available here.

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