The purpose of this web page is to provide state insurance regulators with resources they can readily use in their DOI. These resources include disaster preparation and response documents, consumer assistance documents, NAIC disaster-related workshop materials, data call information, and bulletins that can be repurposed by a DOI for immediate use.
A list of catastrophe contacts for each state can be found by clicking on the following link:
Catastrophe Contacts by State
NFIP Flood Insurance Quote Tool
![Disaster Assistance Program Thumbnail](/sites/default/files/2021-09-07/DAP_4.png)
NAIC Disaster Assistance Program
This document presents a summary of the services the NAIC can provide to a DOI following a disaster. The State Disaster Response Plan also contains this information; however, this document provides a more concise summary of services available, such as data calls, phone banks, and regulator assistance in the aftermath of a disaster.
![NAIC Disaster Response Plan Thumbnail](/sites/default/files/2021-04-12/SDRP_0.png)
This document provides a template for DOIs to use in advance of a disaster to help aid consumers, as well as details regarding working with other agencies. This document is a fillable pdf.
![Cover page for Consumer Guide to Earthquake Insurance](/sites/default/files/2021-04-09/EQ%20Insurance_0.png)
Consumer's Guide to Earthquake Insurance
This guide provides information on how a consumer can make decisions when buying earthquake insurance. This guide includes the following topics:
- Why buy earthquake insurance
- Who needs earthquake insurance
- What earthquake insurance covers
- What earthquake insurance does not cover
- Information regarding earthquake deductibles
- How earthquake premiums are determined
- Smart shopping
- Consumer responsibilities
- Steps to filing a claim
![Flood Insurance Basics Screen Capture](/sites/default/files/2021-04-09/Flood%20Ins%20Basics_0.png)
This document provides some basic facts regarding flooding, as well as providing the NFIP's version of flooding. The document gives a description of the types of things flood insurance covers following a flood event, as well as how to purchase flood insurance. The document also provides a link to aid consumers in finding the flood zone in which their property is located.
![Cover of Post-Disaster Claims Guide](/sites/default/files/2022-10-07/Claims_Guide_Recent_0.png)
This document provides important information for a consumer that is going through the claims process following a disaster. This guide gives consumers information about:
- Making sure they and their family are safe and sound
- How to report a claim
- How an insurer estimates damage
- How an adjuster determines coverage
- Tips for rebuilding, repairing, and replacing their home
- Preparing for the next disaster
Social Media graphics (in a pdf file) about flood insurance and reasons to purchase for consumer education can be found by clicking on the link below:
Link to CIPR Hurricanes and Resiliency Event
CIPR: Hurricanes and Resiliency | NAIC Summer National Meeting 2020
![NAIC/FEMA Region 8, 9 & 10 Slide](/sites/default/files/2021-04-09/FEMA%20Reg%208%209%2010_0.png)
FEMA Regions
FEMA Region 1
Connecticut; Maine; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; Rhode Island; Vermont
FEMA Region 2
New Jersey; New York; Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands
FEMA Region 3
Delaware; Maryland; Pennsylvania; Virginia; District of Columbia; West Virginia
FEMA Region 4
Alabama; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee
FEMA Region 5
Illinois; Indiana; Michigan; Minnesota; Ohio; Wisconsin
FEMA Region 6
Arkansas; Louisiana; New Mexico; Oklahoma; Texas
FEMA Region 7
Iowa; Kansas; Missouri; Nebraska
FEMA Region 8
Colorado; Montana; North Dakota; South Dakota; Utah; Wyoming
FEMA Region 9
Arizona; California; Hawaii; Nevada; Guam; American Samoa; Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands;
Republic of Marshall Islands; Federated States of Micronesia
FEMA Region 10
Alaska; Idaho; Oregon; Washington
FEMA Contacts
FEMA Regional Contacts
Region 1 Contact:
Bob Desaulniers
FEMA Region 2 Contact:
Marianne Luhrs
FEMA Region 3 Contact:
Rich Sobota
FEMA Region 4 Contacts:
Dewana Davis
Chris Perez
FEMA Region 5 Contact:
James Sink
FEMA Region 6 Contacts:
Gilbert Giron
Jeremy Hughes
FEMA Region 7 Contact:
Chris Parsons
FEMA Region 8 Contact:
Diana Herrera
FEMA Region 9 Contact:
Edie Lohmann
FEMA Region 10 Contact:
Scott Van Hoff
FEMA Publications
Building Codes Save": A Nationwide Study of Loss Prevention
This FEMA Study provides information about losses that can avoided as a result of adopting Hazard-Resistant Building Codes
Building Private-Public Partnerships
This guide provides recommendations and resources to aid a jurisdiction in establishing and maintaining a private-public partnership to help coordinate mitigation, response and recovery planning and preparedness
Community Rating System Coordinator's Manual
CRS Communities can receive credits for Department of Insurance participation in consumer events.
Community Rating System Coordinator's Manual 2021 Addendum
(See page 39 of the Addendum for information on DOIs receiving credits for participation in consumer events)
Flood Map Service Center
Find official flood map, access a range of other flood hazard products, and take advantage of tools for better understanding of flood risk.
National Risk Index
This index is an online application that provides mapping that identifies communities most at risk to 18 natural disasters, including data about expected annual losses from natural hazards, social vulnerability and community resilience.
Natural Hazards Retrofit Program Program Toolkit
Many communities want to implement programs to help residents protect their buildings and homes from natural disasters, but from inventories and vulnerability assessments to funding and outreach, it's hard to know where to start. FEMA Region 9 created this toolkit to help local jurisdictions shape building retrofit programs tailored to their community's needs and hazards.
FEMA YouTube Channel
This YouTube channel provides helpful videos regarding disaster preparedness, survivor stories, etc.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention link to Natural Disasters and Severe Weather: Natural Disasters and Severe Weather: CDC
Find Disaster Assistance:
National Hurricane Center - Track tropical storms/hurricanes, read analyses/reports and explore weather data.
NFIP - National Flood Insurance Program
NOAA - Information on weather forecasts, severe storm warnings, and climate research, with an emphasis on technology and scientific processes.
Launched in February 2003, Ready is a National public service campaign designed to educate and empower the American people to prepare for, respond to and mitigate emergencies, including natural and man-made disasters. The goal of the campaign is to promote preparedness through public involvement.
US Fire Administration
USGS Earthquake Hazards
Click on the following link to see private flood data.