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Fiscals and Requests for Proposal

Here are recent and current fiscals and requests for proposals with contacts and deadlines for responding.

RFP #2096 | Modernized FDR Proof of Concept

The goal of the FDR Modernization initiative is to create a modular, “evergreen” system, with improved functionality for both internal and external users that is easier to use and interact with, is more automated and efficient to operate, and is easier to support, maintain, and regularly update.

Response to Questions raised on NAIC RFP #2096 – Modernized FDR Proof of Concept

Thank you to everyone for your interest in NAIC’s RFP #2096, Modernized FDR Proof of Concept. We received an incredible amount of interest and the team is diligently working through the proposals to determine next steps. Due to both the volume as well as the detailed nature of the proposals, the NAIC will need to adjust our proposed project schedule. At the current time, we anticipate that vendor interviews will not occur before June 24th. We will provide subsequent updates as soon as possible. Again, thank you for your engagement in this important project.

There are no fiscals listed at this time.