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Domestic Surplus Line Insurers
Domestic Surplus Line Insurers

States listed on the Domestic Surplus Lines Insurers (DSLI) chart have enacted statutes or regulations that allow for DSLI carriers in their state. States that have not enacted statutes or regulations allowing DSLI carriers are not included on the chart.

Last update: 11/6/2023
Updates to the information will be noted with a “*” next to the state name and edits will be italicized and bolded.

State Statute/ Regulation Initial Application Additional Requirements Board of Directors - Resolution Required Minimum Capital & Surplus Existing Admitted Business  Fees Website State Contact
AZ 20-407.01 UCAA Primary Form SL-112 Yes $15 million

Must be removed from the company through novation, cancellation or non-renewal of policies or some other mechanism approved by the Director

New: $370.00

Conversion: $195.00

Arizona Website - Surplus Lines Insurer 

Cary Cook

AR Ark. Code Ann.23-65-320 UCAA Primary No state specific forms. Yes $20 million Must be removed from the company through novation, cancellation or non-renewal of policies or some other mechanism approved by the Insurance Commissioner.

New: $1,000.00

Conversion: $500.00

Arkansas Website - Surplus Lines Insurer


Kimberly S. Johnson
CT Sec. 38a-271a UCAA Primary See the State Specific Information below
for additional detail.
Yes $15 million Written confirmation that the company does not have any admitted business in any jurisdiction where the company writes business. $40 certified statement fee for a Certified Statement of DSLI Designation. 

Connecticut Website - Surplus Lines Insurer
DE 18 Del. C. § 1900 UCAA Primary See Checklist on Delaware Website - Surplus Lines Insurer Yes $15 million   $1,000 Application fee. Retaliatory fee for Redomestication
$150 Issuance of CoA

Delaware Website - Surplus Lines Insurer
GA 33-5-20.2 UCAA Primary None Yes $15 million Must be removed from the company through novation, cancellation or non-renewal of policies or some other mechanism approved by the Director.

New: $605

Conversion: $80


Scott Sanders;

Patricia Coppel

IL (215 ILCS 5/445a) In the Articles of Incorporation, they need to state that they are forming as a DSLI under Section 445a of the Illinois Insurance Code Checklist  Yes $15 million Must be removed from the company through novation, cancellation or non-renewal of policies or some other mechanism approved by the Director.

New: $2,000

Conversion: $250 – $200 (Amended Articles of Incorporation) + $50 (Amended CoA)

Information available from Marcy Savage at IL DOI Marcy Savage
IA^ §515I.4A UCAA Primary Application

See the Footnote^ below for
the state-specific information that
the applicant would need to comply.

Yes $15M or 300% of
ACL RBC pursuant to chapter 521E


All fees are subject to retaliation. Retaliatory fees are collected at time of application if greater than the Iowa basis.
Total admission fees - $100.
Filing application - $50.
Issuing Certificate of Authority - $50.
Desk audit fee - $2000.
Total renewal fees - $100.
Filing renewal application - $50.
Issuing renewal Certificate of Authority - $50.
Filing amended Articles of Incorporation - $50.
Issuing amended Certificate of Authority - $25.
Affixing official seal (certification) - $10.
LA RS 22:436.1 UCAA Primary or State Application Form For Primary, same state specific
items as all other.
Yes $15 million Must have no active admitted business.

New: $2,525.00

Conversion: No fees unless amendment to Articles is required then it is $25.00 fee.

Louisiana Website - Application Forms

Louisiana Website - Domestic Surplus Lines

Tangela Byrd        
Company Licensing      
(225) 342-5972     

MO 384.018 UCAA Primary Proof of being an eligible surplus
lines carrier in another state.
Yes $20 million Must be removed from the company through novation, cancellation or non-renewal of policies or some other mechanism approved by the Director. If already a Missouri domestic, the fee relates to a change in the Articles of Incorporation and Certificate of Authority and charged at $150. If not a domestic, they can redomesticate. The application fee for redomestication is $1000.  They then can convert at the $150 fee. Post conversion, annual renewal is $2000 per year.

Missouri Website - Surplus Lines

Debbie Doggett

NE Neb Rev Stat 44-5506.01 Contact the DOI for additional information Checklists provided for reference (Establishing DSLI and Conversion to DSLI)


Yes $15M Any existing admitted business is not allowed.

New: $1,000.00 – pre-admission + $300.00 for issuance of Certificate of Authority.

Conversion: $100.00 amended Certificate of Authority and $20.00 Amended Articles of Incorporation. NE Legal Division (402) 471-2201
NV NRS 685A.072 UCAA Primary Written declaration as a domestic surplus lines insurer by the Commissioner. No $15 million  

Filing initial application - $2,450
Issuance of certificate - $283
Charter documents, other than those filed with an application for a certificate of authority.
Filing amendments to articles of incorporation, charter, bylaws, power of attorney and other constituent documents of the insurer, each document $10
NRS 685A.180 - 3. For the purposes of this section, the “premium” on surplus lines coverages includes:
(a) The gross amount charged by the insurer for the insurance, less any return premium;
(b) Any fee allowed by NRS 685A.155;(c) Any policy fee;
(d) Any membership fee;
(e) Any inspection fee; and
(f) Any other fees or assessments charged by the insurer as consideration for the insurance.

Nevada Website - Surplus Lines Insurer

Joe Casey
NH 405:24  UCAA Primary   Yes $15 million Would need to be novated.

New: $1,000.00

Conversion: $100.00 to convert from surplus lines to domestic surplus lines

New Hampshire website - Surplus Lines 

Linda Zalinskie
NJ 17:22-6.69b UCAA Primary – same as authorized domestic insurer.
State Specific Forms
Submission of a Feasibility Study - See Department's website Yes $15 million   $1,000.00

New Jersey website - Surplus Lines

*NC^ § 58-21-21 The Department requires the same forms and documentation as would be required for a domestic P&C insurer.  See Footnote^ below for the specific items to include.   Yes $15 million Must be removed from the company through novation, cancellation or non-renewal of policies or some other mechanism approved by the Department.

New: $500.00

Conversion: None, if already a North Carolina domestic insurer.

North Carolina website - Surplus Lines

Scott Wicker, Company Admission Manager
(919) 807-6142

Jessica Price, Chief Financial Analyst
(919) 807-6169

ND 26.1-44-03.2 UCAA Primary Pre-licensing examination Yes $15 million Allowed to expire

New: $500.00

Conversion: $25.00 for Articles

  Company Licensing & Examinations 701-328-2440
NM 59A-14 NM State Specific Application   No $15 million   $1,000.00  

Victoria A. Baca
Licensing Director
(505) 827-4554

Ursula Almada
Company Licensing Bureau
(505) 827-4524

OH UCAA Primary (new companies and redomestications) OR
Request to change form from a PC to a DSLI
Letter from the Company Yes $15 million Company would need to obtain novation. $1,000.00

Ohio Domestic S/L also pay domestic fee Domestic Assessment based on the Ohio Department Bulletin 2002-1 premium scale ($500 - $29000).
OK §36-1101.1 UCAA Primary SL Foreign & Domestic checklist Yes $15 million  

New: N/A

Conversion: N/A

Oklahoma Website - Surplus Lines  
TX Sec. 981.072.

UCAA Primary & Name Reservation Application submitted to
Must also file a copy of the UCAA Primary Application with the Surplus Lines Stamping Office of Texas(

Require a qualifying exam No Sec. 981.054.(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), an eligible surplus lines insurer must maintain capital and surplus in an amount of at least $15 million. Not allowed to write or have existing Admitted business

New: N/A

Conversion: N/A

Texas Website

Company Licensing and Registration 
VT 8 V.S.A.§5023a UCAA Primary Sections of Title 8, Chapter 101 apply, specifically §3305, petition, hearing.  Yes $15M Must be removed from the company through novation, cancellation or non-renewal of policies or some other mechanism approved by the Director. Based on examiner rate per hour and the number of hours for review.
Annual Statement Filing Fee $100.00

Vermont Website - Domestic Surplus Lines 

Department of Financial Regulation (802)828-2470 or
VA § 38.2-4811.1 UCAA Primary – modified as needed for situation   Yes $15 million

Allowed to Expire

Allowed to expire

New: $500.00

Conversion: N/A

Virginia Website

Kevin McClain 
Insurance Financial Analyst, Company Licensing & Regulatory Compliance 
(804) 371-9432
WI (Ch. 600 to 655) § 618.41 UCAA Primary – newly formed DSLI
Streamlined process for conversions of existing domestic insurer.
  Yes $15 million If an admitted carrier converts to DSLI, there is a specific date on which it stops writing admitted business and begins to write surplus lines business. The admitted block is in run-off.

New: $400.00 application fee & $400.00 licensing fee

Conversion: $25 filing of amended or restated articles if needed, and $25 amended Certificate of Authority fee.

Wisconsin Website 

Mark McNabb
Company Licensing & Analytics Supervisor

^IA – Additional Requirements
If the applicant currently holds a Certificate of Authority in Iowa, then the applicant would submit the following documentation to the Division:
a.   A balance sheet for the most recent calendar quarter that demonstrates the applicant possesses the greater of minimum capital and surplus of at least $15 million or three hundred percent of authorized-control-level risk-based capital pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 521E.
b.   The applicant is an eligible surplus lines insurer in at least one jurisdiction other than Iowa.
c.   Duly executed resolution of the applicant’s board of directors to be designated as an Iowa domestic surplus lines insurer and stating that the insurer shall only write surplus lines business.  The resolution shall not be amended without approval of the commissioner.
d.   A plan of operations regarding the applicant’s specialty lines program and financial projections for at least three years.
e.   Revised Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.
^NC – Initial Application
These specific items include the following:
• A nonrefundable application fee of $500.00. 
• Biographical information, including names, addresses, and official positions, on each promoter, incorporator, director, trustee, and the proposed management  personnel, including a completed NAIC biographical affidavit form. 
• Chart(s) showing the internal organizational structure of the applicant’s management and administrative staff. 
• A disclosure identifying all affiliates, including a description of any management, service, or cost-sharing arrangement between an affiliate and the applicant. Include corporate organizational charts, which clearly identify the relationships between the applicant and any affiliates. 
• Draft copies of any management, service, cost-sharing, tax allocation, administrative, or custodial agreements that will be entered into pursuant to NCGS § 58-19-30 or NCGS § 58-34-10, which will require review and approval by the Department. 
• A detailed and complete plan of operation 
• Five-year financial projections, including a balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, and risk-based capital forecast. A qualified individual must prepare the projections, and they must be in sufficient detail for the Department to perform a complete analysis. Projections must be accompanied by a list of the assumptions used. 
• A description of the source of the initial capitalization of the applicant, including financial statements for the applicant’s parent or other source(s) of financial support. 
• Evidence that adequate technical expertise (accounting, actuarial, underwriting, etc.) is available either with the applicant through the incorporators and proposed initial staff of the applicant or that the applicant has retained the necessary expertise. 
• An original and two copies of the proposed Articles of Incorporation. 
• A copy of the proposed bylaws. 
• Fingerprint cards on all key personnel as defined by NCGS § 58-7-37.

State Specific Information:

1. The company must have policyholder surplus of at least $15 million.
2. The company must submit to the Connecticut Insurance Department (“CID”) a Board of Directors Resolution authorizing the company to become a Domestic Surplus Lines Insurer.
3. The CID needs written confirmation that the company does not have and does not write any admitted business in any jurisdiction where the company writes business.
4. The CID will need either: a.) An Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation that allows the company to become a DSLI, or b.) Written certification by the company that the current Certificate of Incorporation allows the company to become a DSLI.
5. If the company chooses number 4.a. above, the CID will need to review any changes to the Certificate of Incorporation before they are submitted to the CT Secretary of State. Skip to Item 9 below if the company chooses number 4.b. above since Items 6 through 8 below do not apply in this case.
6. After the CID reviews the documents in number 5 above, the CID will issue a Certificate of Acknowledgement to the company saying:  “This is to Certify, that the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the    (company name)    has been filed with the Connecticut Insurance Department.”   (Company will be charged a $40 certified statement fee.)
7. Once the company receives the CID’s Certificate of Acknowledgement, the company would need to file with the CT Secretary of State all required documents to amend their Certificate of Incorporation.  This would include, but is not limited to: a.) A Certificate of Amendment (from the CT Secretary of State – “Form CAS-1-1.0, REV. 10/2014”); b.) The Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation for the company; c.) The Certificate of Acknowledgement from the CID; d.) The Board of Directors Resolution authorizing the company to become a DSLI; e.) If a stock company, consent from the company’s shareholder(s) to the company becoming a DSLI. If a mutual company, consent from the policyholders.
8. The CID should receive from the company a complete and original certified copy of the CT Secretary of State’s approval of the changes to the company’s Certificate of Incorporation.
9. If the company chose Item 4.b. above, then the CID will issue a Certified Statement of DSLI Designation, otherwise, the CID will review the CT Secretary of State’s approval and documents and then issue a Certified Statement of DSLI Designation.  See sample - Certificate for Domestic Surplus Lines Insurer. No Certificate of Authority and Compliance (license) will be issued by the CID, only a Certified Statement of DSLI Designation. (Company will be charged a $40 certified statement fee.) 
10. At the time that the company is issued the Certified Statement of DSLI Designation (see Item 9 above), the company must surrender its physical Certificate of Authority and Compliance to the CID.
11. A copy of the Certificate for Domestic Surplus Lines Company (with the Commissioner’s signature) should be placed in a manila folder, labeled with the name of the company, and filed in the cabinet where all the Certificates of Compliance are filed.
12. The company may start writing surplus lines business in CT as of the effective date listed in the CID’s Certified Statement of DSLI Designation (described in number 9 above.)
13. The company will be a Domestic Surplus Lines Non-Admitted Insurer in CT. This means that the company will NOT be licensed in CT (there will be NO Certificate of Authority and Compliance), therefore, the company cannot be licensed in any other state and may only write non-admitted business.

IA : 
Must be eligible surplus lines insurer in at least one jurisdiction other than this state. A streamlined process is available for an existing admitted carrier to convert to a DSLI. The specific documents for review by the Division are as follows:
a. A balance sheet for the most recent calendar quarter that demonstrates the applicant possesses the greater of minimum capital and surplus of at least $15 million or three hundred percent of authorized-control-level risk-based capital pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 521E.
b. The applicant is an eligible surplus lines insurer in at least one jurisdiction other than Iowa.
c. Duly executed resolution of the applicant’s board of directors to be designated as an Iowa domestic surplus lines insurer and stating that the insurer shall only write surplus lines business. The resolution shall not be amended without approval of the commissioner.
d. A plan of operations regarding the applicant’s specialty lines program and financial projections for at least three years.
e. Revised Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.

For conversion: Company would have to file duplicate copies of the amended articles of incorporation along with the board resolution indicating that the company wants to convert to a DSLI. We check and make sure that the company has no admitted business on their statements and to confirm that the company has at least $15M in surplus. If the company has any admitted business on their books, they have to either run that business off or transfer the book of business to another company. They have to provide an updated business plan with writing business on a surplus lines basis.  Once that review is completed, we route the Amended Articles of Incorporation and amended certificate of authority for the Director’s approval

For conversion from an admitted carrier to DSLI - Submit written request to amend the C of A to be a DSLI. Submit a resolution from the Board of Directors confirming the desire to convert. Amend Articles of Incorporation to provide minimum capital and surplus of $15 million. Submit financial projections for at least 3 years using UCAA Form 13P.

The entity must apply with a UCAA primary or redomestication application and be licensed as a domestic property and casualty insurer in Missouri. The entity must then register in a foreign state as a surplus lines carrier (if not already registered as such) and notify Missouri of the registration and intention to be converted to a domestic surplus lines insurer. Steps are set forth in 20 CSR 200-6.700:

The licensing process is different for new company formations vs. conversions from an traditional insurer to a DSLI. Applicants are required to file an NAIC UCAA Corporate Amendment, as well as provide additional information pursuant to a state specific checklist, including an attestation that the insurer does not have any outstanding admitted policies/liabilities.