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Foreign Deleting Lines of Business Requirements - Industry UCAA
Foreign Deleting Lines of Business Requirements

A link to the application instructions for Corporate Amendment Application Deleting Lines of Business is provided. 

Last Update: 07/17/2024
Updates to the information will be noted with a "*" next to the state name and edits will be italicized and bolded.

State Fee Requirement

No filing fee.
$25 if Articles of Incorporation amended.
Additional $25 if Bylaws amended.
Make a check payable to State of Alabama.

Surrender current Alabama Certificate of Authority.
Certified copy of Articles of Incorporation (only if amended).
Certified copy of Bylaws (only if amended).
Original Certificate of Compliance from state of domicile.
Signed and notarized statement from the Company stating that there is no existing or run-off claims for the line(s) to be deleted.
Ala. Code Section 27-3-17, 27-4-2.

AK $100 for issuance of amended COA, additional $100 for amended Articles of Incorporation (if applicable), additional $100 for amended Bylaws (if applicable).

Certified copy of Articles of Incorporation (if amended).
Certified copy of Bylaws (if amended).
Original Certificate of Compliance from state of domicile.
Original Alaska Certificate of Authority or completed Form 15.
AS 21.09.245 and 3 AAC 31.050.

AZ $195 ($225 if filing amended Bylaws). Send and make the check payable to the "Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions." UCAA Corporate Amendments Deleting Lines of Business application, fee, original Arizona Certificate of Authority.


Ark. Code Ann. 23-61-401(1) & Rule 57: Any insurer desiring to surrender its Certificate of Authority, withdraw from this state, or discontinue the writing of certain classes of insurance in this state shall give ninety (90) day’s notice in writing to the State Insurance Department and shall state in writing its reasons for such action. The commissioner may waive any part of the notice requirement.  A.C.A §23-63-211(e)/

Provide a statement notarized by an officer of the company that there are no outstanding policies, claims and liabilities for the line(s) requested to be deleted. If business exists under the line(s) requested to be deleted, submit documentation regarding transfer or assumption of existing business, or summary of the company’s plan to run-off any existing business in the line(s) to be deleted.

If a line of business that is authorized in Arkansas is deleted in the state of domicile, it must be also deleted from the Arkansas Certificate of Authority.        

CA $150 per line. In addition to the corporate amendments requirements, Applicants will need to provide additional information as appropriate to the line(s) of business, including confirmation that they are not transacting the line of business to be deleted. Insurers applying to withdraw from the California marketplace must file a withdrawal application pursuant to Insurance Code section 1070. 
CO None. Summary of the company’s plan to transfer or run-off any existing business in the lines to be deleted. 
CT $200 or Retaliatory License Amendment Fee – Do not prepay. Department will invoice the Company for the fee.  Lines of business will only be deleted when no premiums are reported and all outstanding losses in that line have been paid in the State of Connecticut. Also attention is directed to §38a-44 and §38a-456 when withdrawing from a line of business in Connecticut.
DE $150 filing fee. Fees are subject to retaliatory provision. Provide a statement notarized by an officer of the company that there are no outstanding policies, claims and liabilities for the line(s) requested to be deleted. If business exists under the line(s) requested to be deleted, submit documentation regarding transfer or assumption of existing business, or summary of the company’s plan to run-off any existing business in the line(s) to be deleted.
DC No Fee.

Company name change due to re-domestication:
1. Transmittal Letter signed by Company Officer
2. Certified copy of Amended Articles of Incorporation
3. Certified copy of Approved Order issued by domiciliary state, and
4. Copy of Amended Bylaws.
Change resulting from a merger, in addition to the above:
1. Certified copy of the merger agreement
2. Copy of the current District of Columbia Certificates of Authority for both the existing and the existing companies.
Expands company’s authority by adding lines:
1. Transmittal Letter signed by an Officer of the company
2. Copy of Certificate of Authority from domiciliary state, and
3. Copy of Certificate of Compliance from domiciliary state.


$5.00 Filing Fee.
Make Checks payable to:
Department of Financial Services
P. O. Box 6100
Tallahassee, FL  32314-6100

Applicants are required to include the following codes on each check:
$5 Filing Fee Codes:

90 days written notice of reason for discontinuing the writing of the line. Refer to Section 624.430, Florida Statutes, and Rule 690-141.020, Florida Administrative Code for the required format for the Notice and its contents. Cover Letter along with Application and Checklist, Form 3, Form 8C, Plan of Operation and Copy of Filing Fee before mailing.
Do NOT return Certificate of Authority.

GA Filing Fee  $75.
Processing Fee  $5.
Refer to the UCAA Corporate Amendment Application Instructions.
HI None.

Return of the company’s original Hawaii Certificate of Authority or an affidavit of loss notarized and signed by an officer of the company. In addition, the following requirements apply when deleting a class of insurance: Thirteen months formal notice required before deleting Property insurance (HRS, §431P-17); deleting Vehicle insurance is subject to HRS, 431:10C-111 & 431:10C-111.5; provide the approximate number of Hawaii policyholders affected; provide a list & description of policies & form numbers held by Hawaii policyholders; an explanation of the affects to Hawaii policyholders. If policies will be assumed submit certificate of assumption & readability.

ID None. Statement from a Company officer there are no claims/outstanding liabilities in Idaho for the line(s) of business to be deleted. Submission of current Idaho Certificate of Authority for amendment.
IL Foreign Insurer if Articles were not Amended: $50. Foreign Insurer: Submit Application for Amended Certificate of Authority to delete the line of authority; submit copy of the current Certificate of Compliance and current Certificate(s) of Deposit.

Greater of retaliatory fee or

  • $10 Certificate of Authority.
  • $10 if Articles of Incorporation amended.
  • $25 if Bylaws amended.

IC 27-1-3-15 Fees and charges.

Must complete UCAA Corporate Amendment Application.
Surrender current Indiana Certificate of Authority.
Certified Copy of Articles of Incorporation (only if amended).
Certified copy of Bylaws by Corporate Secretary (only if amended).

IA $25 for Certificate of Authority or retaliatory fee, whichever is greater.

Letter requesting deletion of particular line(s).
Return of the current Iowa Certificate of Authority for amendment.
Statute sections for fees are 511.24, 515.128 and 505.14

KS None; however, fee is retaliatory. Provide a written statement from the Company stating that there is no existing or run-off business for the line(s) to be deleted. Must complete UCAA Corporate Amendment Application.
KY $50.00 for Amended Certificate of Authority, check payable to Kentucky State Treasurer. 

KRS 304.3-170; 806 KAR 4:010 Section 1 (3)(b) for fees. Must complete Corporate Amendment Application.

LA None An affidavit of no liabilities confirming that the company currently has no liabilities for the lines they are seeking to delete (form provided).
ME 24-A M.R.S.A. §601(2):$10 (for issuing an amended Certificate of Authority) payable to Treasurer, State of Maine.

24-A M.R.S.A. § 415-A: Withdrawal plan must be submitted for approval at least 60 days prior to the proposed date of termination. See section 415-A and Me. Dep’t of Prof. & Fin. Reg., 02-031 CMR 400 for plan requirements which must be addressed when answering the Form *C Questionnaire.

A company discontinuing a line of business subject to either Cancellation Control Act, whether or not it terminates its authority for that line, must comply with 24-A M.R.S.A. § 2916-C or § 3055-A, as applicable.

MD None

Company will need to furnish the current Maryland original Certificate of Authority. In addition, a cover letter requesting the lines of insurance that will be deleted.

MA $250.00 for amended company license. Make check payable to the “Commonwealth of Massachusetts – Division of Insurance.” The company needs to provide certification that they have not conducted any business for the line(s) to be deleted for at least the past three years. Additionally, they must submit a letter indicating that they will honor any claims that are reported after the line(s) have been deleted. There may be additional reserving requirements as well, depending on the line(s) deleted.
MI Retaliatory.

In addition to the UCAA Corporate Amendment application, a letter signed by a company officer must be included stating the line(s) of authority the company is requesting to delete from its certificate of authority.


No application fee.
Article of Incorporation amendment - $100.
Bylaw amendment – $75.

Provide evidence that the company has written no direct premiums in Minnesota during the prior 12 months, and currently has no unpaid claims for Minnesota policyholders. If the company is writing business in Minnesota or has unpaid Minnesota claims, provide a detailed explanation of the company’s withdrawal plan including a description of what notice and treatment will be given by the insurer to its affected Minnesota policyholders, and a description of the projected impact upon the insurers’ Minnesota agents and agency force, if any.

Amend License $25.00.

$50 each:

  • Domestic Certificate of Authority/Compliance
  • If Articles of Incorporation Amended
  • If Bylaws Amended

Line of business may be deleted when no MS premiums/losses are reported for that line. Return current Certificate of Authority for amendment. UCAA Form #3 Lines of Business.

MO $150 Filing Fee. See 375.841 RSMO. Provide an explanation of the Company's plan to transfer business in the lines being deleted. Return prior certificate of authority.
MT None. A description of requested change and copies of Certificates of Compliance and Deposit from state of domicile.
NE $100 amended COA fee subject to retaliation, made payable to the Nebraska Department of Insurance. Submit through the UCAA with all required documentation. Summary of the Company's plan to transfer or run-off any existing business in the lines to be deleted. Surrender current Certificate of Authority.
NV $10 or retaliatory. The Application must identify all lines of insurance that the applicant is requesting authority to delete from an existing Certificate of Authority, as identified by the applicant’s plan of operation. Submit a completed Checklist (Form 1C), and an original executed Application Form (Form 2C) and the company’s original Certificate of Authority or an affidavit of lost Certificate of Authority (Form 15) as Item 1 of the application. Submit a completed Lines of Insurance (Form 3) as item 5 of the application.
NH $25 and subject to retaliatory fees.  NH Application for Amendment Form. Original Certificate of Compliance from state of domicile. Return of NH current original Certificate of Authority for amendment.
NJ Retaliatory.

If a company has no open liabilities in New Jersey for the lines it wishes to delete, it may submit a certification to that effect from its Board of Directors to:
New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance
Solvency Regulation - Nakia Reed
P.O. Box 325
Trenton, NJ 08625

If a company has open liabilities, it must submit a withdrawal plan pursuant to N.J.A.C. 11:2-29.1 et seq. to the address noted above.

NM $200 Amended Certificate of Authority. An original executed Application Form (Form 2C) Return Certificate of Authority to be amended, Notarized statement indicating they will no longer write the LOB and approval from the state of domicile. Articles of Incorporation (if amended) By-Laws (if amended).
NY None.

Life and Health insurer Info: Certified copy of the Board of Directors resolution authorizing management to amend its license to delete the specific lines of business. If deleting a Life line the insurer must consult with the Life Bureau for approval to file the orange blank.

Property Lines Info: Certified copy of the Board of Directors resolution authorizing management to amend its license to delete the specific lines of business. If deleting a line the insurers must provide satisfactory evidence/documentation that all liability incident to that line has been eliminated and its license authority to do such kind of business in all other jurisdictions have been terminated.

NC None.

If a line of business that is authorized in NC is deleted in the home state, it must be deleted from the NC Certificate of Authority. See NCGS 58-16-5(2). Compliance with the notification requirements of NCGS 58-41-45 and other requirements of NCGS Chapter 58, Article 41.

ND $50.00 or Retaliatory.

- Surrender current ND Certificate of Authority.
- Articles of Incorporation, if amended.
- Bylaws, if amended.
- Payment made payable to the “ND Insurance Commissioner.” Accept check, Visa, MasterCard or Discover.
- File all UCAA Corporate Amendments.
- Withdrawal Plan, if necessary.

OH None. Complete UCAA corporate amendment application.

Title 36 O.S. §321

(1)   $50 if Articles of Incorporation amended.
(2)   Additional $50 if Bylaws were amended.
(3)   No fee for amended Certificate of Authority.
(4)   Surrender original OK Certificate of Authority for replacement.
(5)   Make a check payable to Oklahoma Insurance Department.

OR None.
PA $300 Prior written approval must be obtained from the Department. Cover letter should address reason for seeking decrease and lay out a plan for service of current policies. It should be accompanied by a copy of a board resolution authorizing the decrease in underwriting authority, as well as a letter of acceptance by shareholders, both certified by Board Secretary; and a draft amended Articles of Incorporation to be filed with PA Department of State.  
PR None Contact the State Department.

Issuing an amended Certificate of Authority – $4.00.

Note: Pursuant to RIGL §27-2-17(a), foreign company fees are retaliatory if the company’s state of domicile would charge a Rhode Island insurance company a higher fee for a like transaction.

Companies wishing to delete a line of insurance from their license must file in accordance with Rhode Island Regulation. Please note that in accordance with Section 4(f) of this regulation, the company may file an abbreviated filing if they wrote less than five percent (5%) of the total Rhode Island premium in that line of business in any of the last three years. 
SC None
SD $25.00 or Retaliatory. 58-2-29(e) amending Certificate of Authority.
TN $90 Fee. Amended Certificate of Authority.


A line of business may be deleted when no premiums/losses are reported for that line, the UCAA Corporate Amendment Application (Deleting Lines of Business) must be submitted. If there are premiums/losses reported for the line of business, a Withdrawal filing (Texas Ins. Code Ch.827 and Texas Administrative Code CH.7 Sub ch. R) or a Total/Partial assumption reinsurance agreement filing (Texas Ins. Code Chs.493,202, and 884) will need to be submitted.
UT Amended Certificate of Authority: $250 (Electronic)
$275 (Non-Electronic).
Withdrawal Fee, if required by UCA §31A-4-1152(2) - $50,000.

Deleting a line of business requires a plan of withdrawal as prescribed by UCA § 31A-4-115. After filing a plan of withdrawal for a line of business, an application for Certificate of Authority deleting the line of authority must be submitted. If line is for health benefit, UAC Rule 590-199 must be complied with. Statutes, Administrative Rules, and forms are available at

VT None.

Licensed companies are not licensed for specific authorized lines of insurance.  Each company is licensed for the lines indicated by its charter or domestic state. Note – Companies withdrawing lines of insurance are subject to all cancellation, renewal, non-renewal and notification clauses, as well as applicable HIPPA and Vermont Statutes.  For more information on the above clauses, contact the Insurance Analysis Section of the Department.

VA None Letter signed by Company officer stating lines of authority to be deleted from license. An amended license will be issued reflecting this deletion. It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify with the L&H or P&C Division of the Bureau that deletion of requested lines does not affect its ability to write certain products in the Commonwealth.
WA $25.00 made paybale to the Washington State Insurance Commissioner. Return of the original Certificate of Authority for amendment. Documentation that supports the transfer or assumption of any in-force business.
WV $200 for Amended COA, $50 for Amended Articles, $50 for Amended Bylaws (subject to retaliatory).

Larger of $25.00 fee or retaliatory amount for amending the Certificate of Authority. (If a change to the Articles of Incorporation is required due to the removal of the line of business, then the appropriate filing fee will also be charged.) Please make checks payable to: Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance

An insurer may at any time request alteration of its Certificate of Authority in writing pursuant to s. 618.12(4), Wis. Stat. Any transfer of business or reinsurance other than in the normal and usual course of business must be reported to the Office not less than 30 days in advance of the proposed effective date, and is subject to disapproval under s. 618.32, Wis. Stat. If applying for a release from regulation, the company must comply with s. 618.36, Wis. Stat.


Larger of $15.00 fee or retaliatory amount for amending the Certificate of Authority. Please make checks payable to:  Wyoming State Treasurer.

Wyoming requires a written request from an officer stating which line(s) the company wants to delete. In addition, the original Certificate of Authority (or an affidavit of loss) must be returned for amendment. If leaving the health market, the company must comply with W.S. 26-15-121 and W.S. 26-19-305. See also Chapter 11 of Regulations regarding notice of policy forms that are no longer active. If leaving the property & casualty market, the company must comply with Chapter 35 of the Wyoming Insurance Code.