The following table shows the fees charged by each state for filing a Foreign Uniform Application. Please note that, due to retaliatory statutes, the ultimate amount of fees you pay in any state may be more than the amount indicated below.
Updates to the information will be noted with a " * " next to the state name and edits will italicized and bolded.
Last Update: 01/02/2025
State | Filing Fees | Payee | Instructions |
AL | Expansion: $1,005 or retaliatory, whichever is greater, due upon approval. $2,000 nonrefundable application examination fee due at filing. Foreign Corporate Amendment: The following fees are to be submitted electronically at $25 check made payable to the Commissioner of Insurance. $500 fee for Adding a Line of Business. $25 fee for filing amended By-Laws. $25 fee for filing amended Articles of Incorporation. |
Alabama DOI P.O. Box 303351 Montgomery, AL 36130 Checks made payable to the Commissioner of Insurance |
Remit $2,000 fee at Hamp Russell (334) 240-4420 |
AK |
Expansion: $2,250 or retaliatory, whichever is greater. Redomestication - $100 for issuance of amended COA, Articles and/or Bylaws, if changed, requires an additional $100 fee respectively. |
Alaska Division of Insurance |
Submit payment via OPTINS or by mailing a check (including backup with company name, NAIC #, and application #) to: Alaska Division of Insurance |
AZ | Expansion: $670.00 Application Fee. Articles of Incorporation $175.00 Filing Fee. Do not submit Articles Fees to DIFI. Foreign Corporate Amendment: Amended Certificate of Authority (Name Change, Redomestication, Add/Delete Lines) fee - $225.00 (if not amending Bylaws $195.00). Articles for name change/redomestications - $175.00. Do not submit Articles fees to DIFI. Articles for other types of changes - $25.00. Do not submit Articles fees to DIFI. |
Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions
Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions OPTins (ARIZONA APPLICATION/RENEWAL FEES) or Mail check made payable to the Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions. Note the payment method in the application cover letter. Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions Financial Affairs Division 100 N. 15th Ave., Suite 261 Phoenix, AZ 85007-2630 Arizona Corporation Commission |
AR | Expansion: $1,000 or retaliatory, whichever is greater. Foreign Corporate Amendment: $500.00. |
Arkansas Insurance Department Trust Fund. | |
CA | Expansion App: $4,656 Foreign Corporate Amendment: Filing fees are $150 for each corporate amendment change. Insurance Code §705. Filing Articles of Incorporation due to amendment – $79 unless otherwise specified. Filing Amended Bylaws due to amendment - $79 unless otherwise specified. For Merger of two or more Foreign Insurers, the filing fee is $6,985. Adding Lines of Business $150 per class. Deleting Lines of Business $150 per class. Name Approval/Reservation Required - $150 and Name Change $150+B10. Redomestication $150 ***to and from CA $150 + $6,985. |
Make checks payable to: California Department of Insurance and mail to California Department of Insurance Attn: Corporate Affairs Bureau 1901 Harrison Street, 6th Floor Oakland, CA 94612 |
Application fee should be mailed with a cover letter. Application can be submitted electronically to |
CO | Expansion: $500 nonrefundable processing fee. Foreign Corporate Amendment: None. |
Payable to: Colorado Division of Insurance. | Mails checks with application. |
CT | Expansion: $220 for filing all documents prerequisite to the issuance of a license. Foreign Corporate Amendment: $200 subject to retaliation. Do not prepay. Department will invoice the Company for the fee. |
Treasurer - State of Connecticut. | Fee should NOT be included with the application. An invoice will be sent to the applicant for appropriate filing fee. |
DE | Expansion: $1,000 (or retaliatory, whichever is greater) for filing application for initial Certificate of Authority, including all documents submitted as part of such application. $150 (or retaliatory, whichever is greater) issuance fee for the Certificate of Authority. Foreign Corporate Amendment: Refer to 18 Del. C. § 701. $150 to add or delete lines of business. $150 issuance fee for new Certificate of Authority (Name Change, Statutory Address Change, Redomestication of Foreign Insurer). $10 filing amended Articles of Incorporation. $10 filing amended by-laws. Fees are subject to retaliatory provision. |
Make checks payable to: Delaware Department of Insurance Attn: BERG 1351 West North Street, Suite 101 Dover, DE 19904 Make checks payable to Delaware Department of Insurance 1351 West North Street, Dover, DE 19904. |
UCAA Expansion Applications and Corporate Amendments should be submitted electronically, and the application fee (check) should be mailed with a cover letter and application number. Go to our webpage at or contact us at with any questions. |
DC | Expansion: $500. Foreign Corporate Amendment: None. |
Make checks payable to: District of Columbia Treasurer. Mail Fees To: c/o DC Treasurer, P.O. Box 712180 Philadelphia, PA 19171-2180 |
Kathy Alexander Insurance Licensing Specialist (202) 442-7819 Mail Correspondence To: Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking 1050 First Street, NE, Suite 801 Washington, DC 20002 |
FL |
Expansion App: $1,500 Filing Fee. $1,000 Company License Tax. Foreign Corporate Amendment: Name Change $5 Deleting Lines of Business $5 Adding Lines of Business $5 Amended Articles of Incorporation $5 Amended Bylaws $5 |
Make checks payable and mail directly to:
Make checks payable and mail directly to: |
Applicants are required to include the following codes on each check:
Applicants are required to include the following codes on each check:
GA | Expansion: $600 or retaliatory fee, whichever is greater. Pursuant to Bulletin 20-EX-8, a processing fee of $5 will be added to each transaction. Foreign Corporate Amendment: Adding and/or Deleting Lines of Business - $80 Name Change - $130 Redomestication of a Foreign Insurer - $130 Change of Statutory Home Office Address - $130 Merger of Two or More Foreign Insurers - $130 Proposed/Completed Change of Control of Foreign Insurers - $80 Amended Articles of Incorporation - $30 Amended Bylaws - $30 Change of Address/Contact Notification – No Fee Statement of Withdrawal/Complete Surrender of Certificate of Authority - $80 Voluntary Dissolution - $50 Amended Uniform Consent to Service of Process - $20 |
Georgia DOI Suite 904, West Tower 2 MLK, Jr. Drive Atlanta, GA 30334 |
Application fee and processing fee should accompany application. |
HI | Effective May 28, 2015: Initial Application Fee $900 (due at time of application) C/A Issuance Fee: $600 Service Fee for current year: $600 (due before issuance of C/A) |
Make check payable to: Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. |
Contacts: Irene Baek (808) 586-3870 |
ID | Expansion: Surplus less than $10M: $1,000. Surplus greater than $10M, but less than $100M: $2,500. Surplus greater than $100M: $4,500. Foreign Corporate Amendment: None. |
Idaho Department of Insurance 700 West State Street 3rd Floor P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0043 |
Contact: Payable by check only including a cover letter. |
IL | Expansion: Filing all documents for Expansion Application/Admission $5,000. Foreign Corporate Amendment: Admissions Fee $5,000 Certificate of Authority $400 Amended Certificate of Authority $50 Amended Bylaws $50 Amended Articles of Incorporation $200 See Corporate Amendments Matrix for additional fees. |
Illinois Department of Insurance 320 West Washington - 4th Floor Springfield, IL 62767 |
If for a Property and Casualty company, make check made payable to the: Illinois Department of Insurance, and mail to the attention of: Marcy Savage, Deputy Director Corporate Reg Section, 320 West Washington Street, 4th Floor, Springfield, IL 62767-0001. If for a Life Accident and Health company, a Fraternal, HMOs, LHSOs same as above but mail check to the attention of: Amy Stuart, Supervisor LAH Corporate Reg Unit, 320 West Washington Street, 4th Floor, Springfield, IL 62767-0001. |
IN | Upon receipt of application an invoice will be forwarded for the required filing fees. Schedule of Fees, Taxes, Deposits etc. located at |
All filing fees are to be paid electronically via NAIC OPTins or SIRCON for States. Request fees not be remitted prior to receiving an invoice. | Provided on invoice. |
IA | Expansion: Application Filing Fee: Greater of $50 or retaliatory amount Certificate of Authority Issuing Fee: Greater of $50 or retaliatory amount Desk Audit Fee in Accordance w/ 507.2: Greater of $2,000 or retaliatory amount. Foreign Corporate Amendment: $50 for filing amended articles or retaliatory fee, whichever is greater. $25 for Certificate of Authority or retaliatory fee, whichever is greater, for a total of $75 or retaliatory. |
Iowa Insurance Division Attn: Company Licensing 1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 100 Des Moines, IA 50315 |
Make checks payable to Iowa Insurance Division. Mail check with cover letter, making sure to include the name of company and purpose of the fees. |
KS | Expansion: Larger of $500 or retaliatory amount, nonrefundable fee due at the time of application submission. Annual Statement Filing Fee $100. Certificate of Authority Fee $10. Due prior to the issuance of COA. Foreign Corporate Amendment: All fees are retaliatory. Fees should be reported on Retaliatory Summary Sheet with the annual premium tax filing and any amount due will be calculated and paid at that time. |
Kansas Insurance Department. |
Electronic payment preferred with application. Contact Department for instructions. If the larger admission fee is $500, additional fees will be required only if the Certificate of Authority is approved. If the larger admission fee is the retaliatory amount, no additional fees will be required. |
*KY | Foreign Companies: Annual Statement $100 Charter Documents $100 Original Certificate of Authority $500 Total $700 Or retaliatory fee, whichever is greater. |
An invitation will be sent to make payments through the eServices portal at | |
LA | Expansion: Application fee is calculated as follows: Certificate of Authority $2,500. Recordation of Articles of Incorporation $25. Total Fee to be submitted $2,525. Foreign Corporate Amendment: $0 to add lines of insurance. Filing of policy forms (forms must be submitted with application to add a line and a name change endorsement must be included with an application for change of name). $100 - per product. $20 - to adopt a reference or item filing of advisory organization form reference filing. $25 - for filing of property and casualty insurance policy endorsements. $25 – Recordation of Amendments to Articles of Incorporation. |
Make Checks Payable to: Louisiana Department of Insurance. Mail to: Louisiana Department of Insurance |
Checks are made payable to the Louisiana Department of Insurance. The check for Policy Form Review must be a separate check. |
ME | Expansion App: $1,000 Fees are retaliatory per Title 24-A, M.R.S.A., §428. |
Make Checks Payable to: Treasurer, State of Maine Mail to: Maine Bureau of Insurance 34 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333 |
MD | Expansion: Maryland’s required Certificate of Authority filing fee is $1,225 subject to retaliatory provision as set forth in Section 6-303 of the Insurance Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. Dollar amounts for fees are set forth in the Insurance Article of Annotated Code of Maryland in Sections 2-112, 2-112.1 and 2-113. Fees for Health Maintenance Organizations are set forth in Section 19-709 of Article Health General of the Annotated Code of Maryland. Foreign Corporate Amendment: There is no fee for a name change. If the By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation changed, there is a $10 fee for each document. Per Section 6-303, fees are subject to retaliatory tax. |
Maryland Insurance Administration 200 St. Paul Place, Suite 2700 Baltimore, MD 21202-2272 |
Expansion App: Please include a letter from domiciliary jurisdiction setting forth filing requirements and fees for filing an application and issuance of an original Certificate of Authority, pay the greater fees. Erin Nickles |
MA | Expansion App: Examination Fee $1,000 Charter Admission Fee $125 Annual Statement Filing Fee $150 Total Application Fees $1,275 |
Checks payable to: Massachusetts Division of Insurance |
Application filing fees must accompany the application. The issuance fee will be billed if the applicant is approved for licensure. |
MI | Expansion: Application Filing Fee, $500 or retaliatory whichever is the greater amount. Certificate of Authority Issuance Fee, $25 or retaliatory whichever is the greater amount. Foreign Corporate Amendment: Retaliatory fees charged pursuant to Section 500.476a. |
Make checks payable to “The State of Michigan” Department of Insurance and Financial Services |
Application filing fees must accompany the application. The issuing fees will be billed if the applicant is approved for licensure. |
*MN | Expansion: Initial Application Fee $1,500, include (copy of applicable Minnesota application checklist) with filing fee. In addition, the Company is also billed a desk audit charge.Upon licensing the company will be billed $975.00 for a Property and Casualty Company (including Title Companies) or $1,025.00 for a Life Company. In addition, the Company is also billed a desk audit charge. Foreign Corporate Amendment: No fees for corporate amendments themselves, however, filing articles/amendments are $100 and filing bylaws/amendments is $75. |
Minnesota Department of Commerce 85 7th Place East, Suite 280 St. Paul, MN 55101-2198 |
MS | Expansion: $1,000 Foreign Corporate Amendment: License Amendment - $25 Endorsements - LH&A $10, P&C $15 $50 for each: Amended/Restated Articles of Incorporation Amended/Restated By-Laws Articles of Redomestication Assumption Reinsurance Agreement Financial Information Certificate of Compliance/Authority Certificate of Deposit Change of Control Approval Order Merger Agreement Service of Legal Process Appointment |
MS Insurance Department P.O. Box 79 Jackson, MS 39205-0079 Or: 1001 Woolfolk State Office Building 501 N. West Street Jackson, MS 39201 |
If additional fees are required they will be invoice upon the processing of the application. |
MO | Expansion: Admission Fee - $1,000.00 Foreign Corporate Amendment: $150 per corporate amendment |
DCI Rm. 530, HST Bldg. 301 W. High Street Jefferson City, MO 65101 |
Mail check with documentation of application or invoice can be paid electronically after application submitted. Include notation on check stating company name and “Application fee”. |
MT | Expansion: $1,900 or retaliatory, whichever is greater. Foreign Corporate Amendment: None |
Commissioner of Insurance State of Montana 840 Helena Avenue Helena, MT 59601 |
Submit payment with the application payable to the Commissioner of Insurance State of Montana. Tavin Mogus (406) 444-3469 |
NE | Expansion: $1,000 subject to retaliation Foreign Corporate Amendment: $100 – amended COA $20 - amended articles of incorporation $50 – merger All fees subject to retaliation |
Nebraska Department of Insurance 1526 K St., Suite 200 Lincoln, NE 68508 OR PO Box 95087 Lincoln, NE 68509-5087 |
Kristy Hadden, Company Administrator (402) 471-0373 Lori Bruss, Staff Assistant II Examination Division (402) 471-4045 Payment should be made through our online portal, |
NV | Click on Application Fees |
Nevada Division of Insurance Corporate & Financial Affairs 1818 East College Pkwy, Suite 103 Carson City, NV 89706 (775) 687-0700 |
Mail check for application fees to the Nevada Division of Insurance. If paying by ACH, an ACH Deposit Form must be submitted at time of payment. Address any ACH questions to Kimberly Aubert at (775) 687-0782. |
NH |
Expansion: Expansion Application Fee is the larger of $1,000 or retaliatory amount. All fees are retaliatory and non-refundable. |
Make check payable to New Hampshire Insurance Department. New Hampshire Insurance Department |
Expansion App: Please submit proper payment according to company’s state of domicile. See state specific page for fees. Linda Zalinskie |
NJ | Expansion: Non Life/Health Admissions: $3,500 Life/Health Admissions: $5,000 Foreign Corporate Amendment: Non-Life/Health: $500 for adding a line of business Life/Health: None |
Payable to the New Jersey State Treasurer. Non Life/Health Life/Health |
Fee is submitted with the application. |
NM | Expansion: $1,000 Nonrefundable Foreign Corporate Amendment: Amended Certificate of Authority – $200 Amended Articles of Incorporation – $10 Amended By-Law – $10 Articles of Merger – $10 |
Office of Superintendent of Insurance P.O. Box 1689 Santa Fe, NM 87504-1689 |
Make check payable to: Office of Superintendent of Insurance or OSI. Please refer to the OSI website for more information regarding fees at: |
NY | Expansion: $10 fee for initial issuance of license $30 fee for initial filing of Charter (certified copy) Per Section 9107 of the N.Y. Ins. Law Foreign Corporate Amendment: $10 for filing amendments to a charter of domestic insurance corporations. |
All filing fees are payable to the “Superintendent of Financial Services” and must be remitted to the Office of General Counsel in Albany. | |
NC | Certificate of Authority Application fee (due at time of application) Insurance Company $1000.00 Health Maintenance Organization $500.00 Hospital, Medical, Dental Service Corp (Domestic Only) $250.00 Prepaid Health Plan (Domestic Only) $2,000 |
Make checks payable to: North Carolina Department of Insurance 1203 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1203 |
Mail check with application. Scott Wicker (919) 807-6142 |
ND | Expansion: Larger of $500 or retaliatory amount Foreign Corporate Amendment: Amended Certificate of Authority – $50 or Retaliatory Fee Amended Articles of Incorporation – $25 or Retaliatory Fee Amended Bylaws – Retaliatory Fee Service of Process Form – Retaliatory Fee Filing Merger Agreement – $30 or Retaliatory Fee… |
Commissioner North Dakota Insurance Department 600 E. Boulevard Avenue Dept. 401 Bismarck, ND 58505 |
Company Licensing and Examination Division (701) 328-2440 |
OH | Expansion: Strictly Retaliatory Foreign Corporate Amendment: There is no fee due with the filing. After an amended Certificate of Authority is sent to the Company, the Company is billed $5 for an amended Authority. |
Ohio Department of Insurance Risk Assessment 50 W. Town Street, Suite 300 Columbus, OH 43215 |
Expansion Apps: Corporate Amendment Apps: |
OK | Expansion App (Electronic Filing Only Through the NAIC): Application review, the greater of retaliatory or $1,000 Certificate of Authority $150. Appoint of Commissioner as Agent for Service of Process $10. |
Oklahoma Insurance Department Check payable to: Oklahoma Insurance Department State Specific Information Legal References |
Expansion App: Filing fees should be mailed to the Oklahoma Insurance Department with a cover letter identifying the company name, NAIC CoCode, application tracking number, and a detailed explanation for any additional paperwork/check mailed to the Department. |
OR | Larger of $2,500 or retaliatory, nonrefundable amount. | Oregon Department of Consumer & Business Services Insurance Division 350 Winter Street NE, Room 440 Salem, OR 97301-3883 |
Mail check with application. |
PA | Expansion: $2,500. Foreign Corporate Amendment: Dependent upon the type of Certificate of Authority amendment. Please see requirements at Filing Fees on :…. |
Checks should be made payable to the “PA Department of Insurance” and should be mailed to: Pennsylvania Insurance Department, Company Licensing Division, 1345 Strawberry Square, Harrisburg, PA 17120. | Please mail check with application to: Company Licensing Division Pennsylvania Insurance Dept. 1345 Strawberry Square Harrisburg, PA 17120 |
PR | Expansion: To be authorized the Insurer/Reinsurer must pass through two phases: First phase: $350 to evaluate the application. After this Office approves the first phase the Insurer/Reinsurer must comply with other requirements and additional fees are required. Foreign Corporate Amendment: None |
Checks payable to: Secretary of Treasury | Office of the Commissioner of Insurance of Puerto Rico Mrs. Glorimar Santiago Director Admission and Financial Analysis Division 361 Calle Calaf PO Box 195415 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00919 |
RI | Expansion: $1,200 Foreign Corporate Amendment: Amended bylaws $4.00 Amended articles $4.00 Amended Certificate $4.00 Merger Agreement $4.00 |
Rhode Island General Treasurer | Pursuant to RIGL §27-2-17(a), foreign company fees are retaliatory if the company’s state of domicile would charge a Rhode Island insurance company a higher fee for a like transaction. |
SC | Expansion: Strictly Retaliatory Foreign Corporate Amendment: Strictly retaliatory except for adding a line of authority, which is $400.00 for each line of business to be added. |
South Carolina DOI 1201 Main Street, Suite 1000 (29201) P.O. Box 100105 Columbia, SC 29202-3105 |
Deonna G. Rogers Stacy Johnson |
SD | Expansion: Application filing fee: $500 or retaliatory Certificate of Authority: $25 or retaliatory Subject to Retaliatory Law Application Filing Fees Non-Refundable Foreign Corporate Amendment: Contact state. |
Checks Payable to SD Division of Insurance | File expansion applications electronically through UCAA Mail check with cover letter: SD Division of Insurance Attn: Ky Palmer 124 S. Euclid Ave., 2nd Floor Pierre, SD 57501 |
TN | Expansion: Nonrefundable review fee $675 plus retaliation. HMO nonrefundable review fee $1,300. Initial Certificate of Authority $440 plus retaliation. All other fees are subject to retaliation. Foreign Corporate Amendment: $90.00 amendment to Certificate of Authority Fee. All other fees are subject to retaliation. |
Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance 10th Floor, Analytical Section 500 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 |
We prefer company licensing fees to be paid online via the NAIC OPTins system. Otherwise, make hardcopy checks payable to Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance and include retaliatory information if applicable. |
TX | Expansion: $0 Foreign Corporate Amendment: $0 |
UT | Expansion: $1,000 filing fee if UCAA electronic filing or $1,025 filing fee if UCAA non-electronic filing. $75 e-commerce fee must be added for either filing method. Foreign Corporate Amendment: $250 to amend Certificate of Authority via UCAA electronic filing or $275 to amend Certificate of Authority via UCAA non-electronic filing. Fees not subject to retaliation. |
Utah Insurance Department Company Licensing Division 4315 South 2700 West, Suite 2300 Taylorsville, UT 84129 |
Check is made payable to the Utah Insurance Department. |
VT | Expansion Application Fee (alien, foreign, reciprocal, HMO’s, fraternal): $200 Accredited Reinsurer - $500, Renewal $200 Premium Finance Companies: $200 Life Settlement Companies: $400 Alien, Foreign, Reciprocal, HMOs: $200 All fees are subject to retaliation. Foreign Corporate Amendment: Vermont fees are retaliatory. Please submit with application. |
Vermont Department of Financial Regulation. |
Send check to: Include retaliatory fees. |
VA | Expansion: Nonrefundable filing fee $500 (§ 38.2-1024). Foreign Corporate Amendment: The Bureau of Insurance does not impose a filing fee. Items filed with the Clerk’s Office of the Virginia State Corporation Commission may incur a filing fee. |
Payable to: Treasurer of Virginia Virginia State Corporation Commission Bureau of Insurance Company Licensing & Regulatory Compliance P.O. Box 1157 Richmond, VA 23218 |
Mail a check for the application fee along with a cover letter to the Bureau of Insurance. The application will not become eligible for review until the Bureau receives and has processed the check. |
WA |
Expansion: $275 or retaliatory, whichever is greater. All fees retaliatory. |
US Mail: Overnight: |
Please file expansion applications electronically via UCAA and mail the application fee payment with a cover letter at the time of filing. |
WV | Expansion: Larger of $100 or retaliatory amount. Foreign Corporate Amendment: W. Va. Code §33-3-13 – Amended Certificate of Authority – $200 W. Va. Code §33-3-13 – Amended Articles of Incorporation – $50 W. Va. Code §33-3-13 – Amended By-Laws – $50 W. Va. Code §33-3-13 – Filing of any additional paper required by law – $1 W. Va. Code §33-3-16 – All fees subject to retaliation |
WV Offices of the Insurance Commissioner Financial Conditions Division PO Box 50540 Charleston, WV 25305-0540 or |
If the application is filed in hard-copy, then the filing fee must accompany it. If the application is filed electronically, then the filing fee must be sent to our Payee address along with an explanatory cover letter. |
WI | Expansion: Application Fee: Larger of $400 or retaliatory amount. Certificate of Authority: Larger of $400 or retaliatory amount Foreign Corporate Amendment: §601.31, WI Statute. All fees are retaliatory. Any amendment to the Certificate of Authority $25. (In addition, if articles &/or bylaws change as a result of the amendment, the changed documents must also be filed and the appropriate filing fee will be charged.) Reservation of Corporate Name $25. Merger involving foreign companies $25. Certificate of Compliance $10 for first one/ $5 for duplicates. Amendment of Articles $25. Amendment of Bylaws No Fee. |
US Mail: Overnight: |
Mail check with application. |
WY | Expansion: Larger of $750 or retaliatory amount. Upon approval of the application, an assessment for the Department’s budget will need to be paid before a Certificate of Authority is issued. The assessment amount varies depending on the amount of the Department’s budget. Foreign Corporate Amendment: Service for Process fee $10 $15 for the amendment to the Certificate of Authority. $10 – Amend Articles of Incorporation $10 – Amend ByLaws Fees subject to retaliation. |
Wyoming DOI 106 East 6th Avenue Cheyenne, WY 82002 |
Make checks payable to: Wyoming State Treasurer |