State Ahead is a three-year blueprint for the NAIC's future, showing the way toward building on existing strengths as a nexus for innovation and a hub of resources for insurance departments to draw upon. Here's what's new.
THEME I: Safe, Solvent and Stable Markets
- Goal 1: Provide state insurance regulators with data, training and tools required to support a collaborative regulatory environment that fosters stable financial markets and reliable and affordable insurance products.
THEME II: Consumer Protection and Education
- Goal 2: Ensure that consumer protection keeps pace with changes in the marketplace and consumers have information and education needed for informed decisionmaking.
THEME III: Superior Member Services and Resources
- Goal 3: Provide optimal services to support state insurance departments and equip them with the necessary talent and resources.
- Goal 4: Optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of the NAIC structure to focus on member priorities and maximize member engagement.
Each of our themes and goals will be supported by the investments we make in data, technology and talent. Many of the NAIC's current initiatives and budget are designed to lay these foundational pillars on which State Ahead is built.
Summary of Comments on the Proposed Mid-Year Fiscals for the 2018 NAIC Budget
Dynamic Content Website Fiscal Statement – Phase II
Enterprise Data Platform and Data Warehouse Fiscal Statement – Phase I
Enterprise Data Strategy, Governance and Management Fiscal Statement – Phase I