Director Dean Cameron's Remarks at TII Insurance and Economic Development Forum 2023
On December 9, 2022, NAIC President and Idaho Department of Insurance Director Dean L. Cameron delivered recorded remarks at the Taiwan Insurance Institute’s (TII) “Insurance and Economic Development Forum 2023” on “Breaking Down Insurance Barriers for a Changing Landscape.” Director Cameron spoke to the importance of inclusion in the insurance markets, and he promoted the work of state supervisors in bringing that to the industry, including their efforts on consumer education and algorithmic bias, the NAIC’s Special Committee on Race and Insurance, and the development of the NAIC Foundation.
About the National Association of Insurance Commissioners
As part of our state-based system of insurance regulation in the United States, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) provides expertise, data, and analysis for insurance commissioners to effectively regulate the industry and protect consumers. The U.S. standard-setting organization is governed by the chief insurance regulators from the 50 states, the District of Columbia and five U.S. territories. Through the NAIC, state insurance regulators establish standards and best practices, conduct peer reviews, and coordinate regulatory oversight. NAIC staff supports these efforts and represents the collective views of state regulators domestically and internationally.