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Cybersecurity (H) Working Group

2024 Membership

2024 Adopted Charges

  1. The Cybersecurity (H) Working Group will:
    Cybersecurity Charges

    1. Monitor cybersecurity trends such as vulnerabilities, risk management, governance practices, and breaches with the potential to affect the insurance industry.
    2. Facilitate communication across state insurance departments regarding cybersecurity risks and events.
    3. Develop and maintain a regulatory cybersecurity response guidance to assist state insurance regulators in the investigation of insurance cyber events.
    4. Monitor federal and international activities on cybersecurity, engaging in efforts to manage and evaluate cybersecurity risk.
    5. Coordinate NAIC committee cybersecurity work, including cybersecurity guidance developed by the Market Conduct Examination Guidelines (D) Working Group and the Information Technology (IT) Examination (E) Working Group.
    6. Advise on the development of cybersecurity training for state insurance regulators.
    7. Work with the CIPR to receive updates on cybersecurity research efforts, by the CIPR and others, and to analyze publicly available cybersecurity-related information.
    8. Support the states with implementation efforts related to the adoption of Model #668.

    Cyber Insurance Charges

    1. Monitor industry trends pertaining to cyber insurance trends pertaining to cyber insurance, including meeting with subject matter experts and evaluating data needs of state insurance regulators. Considerations may also include the availability and affordability/pricing of cyber insurance, disclosures, limits and sub-limits and sub-limits in policies, policy language and trends in requirements, underwriting practices, and the role of reinsurance in the cyber insurance market.
    2. Coordinate with NAIC work groups addressing cyber insurance related issues, such as the Casualty and Actuarial (C) Task Force.
    3. Monitor federal and international activities related to cyber insurance and financing mechanisms for cyber risk.
Cybersecurity (H) Working Group

Public Webex Meeting
Tuesday, July 09, 2024
4:00 PM ET, 3:00 PM CT, 2:00 PM MT, 1:00 PM PT
Expected Length of Call: 1 hr
Webex Link

Purpose: Hear a briefing from Ignace Ertilus of the FBI and Gregory Crabb of 10-8, LLC about the operations of the FBI IC3 division, their approach to cybersecurity incidents, and insights into threat-informed defense strategies.

Cybersecurity (H) Working Group

Public Webex Meeting
Thursday, November 16, 2023
12:00 PM ET, 11:00 AM CT, 10:00 AM MT, 9:00 AM PT
Expected Length of Call: 90 minutes
Webex Link

  • Presentation from NIST related to planned updates to the Cybersecurity Framework
  • Review of comments received for the Cybersecurity Event Response Plan and consideration of adoption
  • An update on federal government activities related to cybersecurity


Cybersecurity (H) Working Group

Cybersecurity (H) Working Group
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT

McCormick Place Convention Center—S105—Level 1

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Media Inquiries
(816) 783-8909

Koty Henry
Cybersecurity Policy Advisor, P&C Regulatory Services
(816) 783-8379

Miguel Romero
Director, P&C Regulatory Services

Please see the current Committee List for a complete list of committee members.