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CIPR Resiliency Map - Mississippi


Disaster risk management graphic Disaster Risk Management

  • Catastrophe Savings Account. A regular savings account or money market account established after 1/1/2015 by a Mississippi income taxpayer to assist with post-catastrophe losses, or to self-insure all or a portion of one's home. 
  • Mitigation. Information for consumers on mitigation strategies. 
  • Preparedness. Resources for consumers on being prepared for a variety of severe weather, including hurricanes, earthquakes, flooding, and tornadoes. 
  • Home Inventory.  Ten easy steps to create a home inventory checklist.
  • Prepare by Packing a "Go Bag". Press release advising and instructing Mississippians on how to prepare a "go bag".
  • Important Considerations For All Homeowners/Renters. Informs consumers about the factors that most impact the cost of their homeowner's or renters insurance.
  • Post-Disaster Claims Guide. Consumer guide on what to expect during the disaster recovery/insurance claims phase.
  • Preparedness Archives. An archive of preparedness history. Includes information from Hurricane Katrina and other events.



Flood waters rising Flood









Eye of hurricane




Wooded gavel Regulation








Tornado  Tornadoes

  • Tornadoes.  Consumer information about the warning signs of a tornado, staying safe during a tornado, and insurance coverage for tornadoes.


Other Resources

These external agencies are mentioned on the Mississippi Department of Insurance website and provide further information on catastrophe planning and preparedness.


