CIPR Resiliency Map - South Carolina
South Carolina
Disaster Risk Management
- Catastrophe Savings Accounts. Information on CSAs for consumers.
- Catastrophe Savings Accounts Brochure. Brochure on CSAs.
- Coastal Insurance. Info on mitigation credits, CSAs, fortification tax credits, and general preparedness.
- Home Preparedness Guide for Severe Weather. Guide for consumers on preparing for a natural disaster.
- Resource Document for Mitigation Techniques (SC Safe Home). Fortification measures must be accomplished in accordance with the standards in this resource document in order to be eligible for the tax credit.
- Are You Storm Ready? A Guide to Being Prepared for Storm Damage (2020). Booklet for consumers on adequately preparing for severe weather, including drafting a disaster plan, creating an emergency kit and a home inventory, and reviewing insurance coverage. Home mitigation measures, insurance discounts, tax credits, and catastrophe savings plans are also discussed.
- SCDOI Helps Consumers Prepare with Free Starter Emergency Kits (June 20, 2020). Press release about the DOI's consumer event in partnership with Home Depot where 200 free starter emergency kits and disaster preparedness information were handed out.
- How to Pack an Emergency Kit. Information on how to build an emergency kit. Also includes information about disaster preparation insurance checklists and insurance emergency checklists
- Severe Weather Recovery. Information for consumers on how to proceed after experiencing damage from a storm and how the state DOI can assist.
- Post-Disaster Claims Guide. Consumer guide on what to expect during the disaster recovery/insurance claims phase.
- Understanding Your Insurance Policy. An Insurance guide for consumers. Includes information on disaster exclusions.
- Omnibus Coastal Property Insurance Reform Act of 2007. Provides certain income tax credits for the costs a homeowner incurs in fortifying their home against hurricane losses.
- Section 12-6-3660. Tax credit for costs of retrofitting to make residence more hurricane resistant.
- Section 12-6-3665. Credit for sales tax paid on purchases of tangible personal property to retrofit residence.
- S.C Private Flood Insurance Act. Aims to make flood insurance more accessible by allowing insurers to test products in the market, while offering consumers more choice in flood insurance coverage.
- Why is it important to have flood insurance? Information about obtaining flood insurance from the NFIP.
- Flood Insurance for Businesses. Information about flood insurance policy for businesses and its importance.
Hurricane & Wind
- Homeowners Mitigation Credits. Premium discounts for mitigation measures that strengthen coastal homes and businesses against damage from hurricanes.
- Tax Credits for Fortification Measures. Information about tax credits that consumers can use to fortify their legal residence from hurricanes and other catastrophic events.
- Hurricane Catastrophe Modeling. Information on catastrophe modeling.
- Hurricane Preparedness. Information for consumers on how to prepare for a hurricane along with insurance claims information.
- SC Safe Home Mitigation Grant Program. Provides matching and non-matching grant funds to help coastal property owners retrofit their homes to make them more resistant to hurricane and wind damage.
- A Consumer's Guide to Earthquake Insurance. A guide published by the NAIC available on the SC DOI's website for homeowners.
Other Resources
These external agencies are mentioned on the South Carolina Department of Insurance website and provide further information on catastrophe planning and preparedness.
- South Carolina Emergency Management Division: Hurricane Guide
- South Carolina Department of Transportation: Storm Resources