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General Information and Technical Support

We provide a range of service to assist with your insurance needs, including finding life insurance policies for deceased individuals and contacting state insurance departments. You can file complaints about insurance practices, report fraud online, and look up consumer insurance information with our tools. We also offer support for regulatory questions from both the insurance industry and consumers. Our services are compatible with the latest versions Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.


  • Business Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Central Time)
  • Monday - Friday (except holidays)
  • E-mail:
  • Phone: 816-783-8500 (option 1)

Technical Support

For assistance with passwords, user IDs, access, and system or application issues:

  • E-mail:
  • Phone: 816-783-8500 (option 2 - Industry), (option 3 - State Regulator)

Security Concerns

To alert the NAIC of security, incidents or concerns:

User Security and Authentication Guide (Okta)

Setting up Okta’s Forgot Password security question and answer enables users to reset their password, while the self-service Change Password feature allows them to establish a new one, and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) adds an extra layer of security for accessing NAIC secure data systems and applications.

Service Catalog

For additional information regarding our various applications, please view our Technology Products And Services Catalog.

Business & Regulatory Support Teams

The links below take you to the contact information and web pages for these support teams:

Financial Data Repository

Financial Data Repository - The NAIC Financial Data Repository is a centralized warehouse of financial data to be used primarily by state regulators as well as other policymakers and academics. 

Center for Insurance Policy and Research 

Center for Insurance Policy and Research - The Center for Insurance Policy and Research - We provide research and education to drive discussion and advance thought leadership as well as action on current and emerging insurance issues amongst insurance commissioners, policymakers, industry and academics.

Uniform Certificate of Authority Application

Uniform Certificate of Authority Application â€“ Uniform Certificate of Authority Application - The Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA) process is designed to allow insurers to file copies of the same application for admission in numerous states

Market Conduct Annual Statement

Market Conduct Annual Statement â€“ Market Conduct Annual Statement. The contact information is displayed for each state and line of business to the right of the selections available. For the ratio information, you will find an illustration of all the values and distributions of all the ratios of the selected jurisdiction. Any questions should be directed to:

Securities Valuation Office

Securities Valuation Office - Securities Valuation Office - one of the three groups within the Capital Markets & Investment Analysis Office, is responsible for the day-to-day credit quality assessment of securities owned by state regulated insurance companies.

Structured Securities Group

Structured Securities Group â€“ The NAIC's Structured Securities Group, another group within the Capital Markets & Investment Analysis Office, is responsible for the analysis of Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (RMBS) and Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities (CMBS) owned by state regulated insurance companies subject to Statement of Statutory Accounting Principles No. 43 Revised - Loan-Backed and Structured Securities.

Capital Markets Bureau

Capital Markets Bureau - The Capital Markets Bureau is located in the NAIC's Capital Markets & Investment Analysis Office in New York City. Its mission is to support state insurance departments and other NAIC staff on matters affecting the regulation of investment activities at state regulated insurance companies. The Capital Markets Bureau monitors developments and trends in the financial markets generally, and specifically with respect to the insurance industry


Publications â€“ Contact an NAIC Customer Service Representative at to create an account to purchase hardcopy or online subscriptions for one of our publications. If you already have an account, login to Account Manager

Financial Data

Financial Data - The NAIC offers thousands of products for sale that vary in complexity and structure. We have many options to give you the flexibility to customize how you want to receive your data order. Data Request Form - place your order by e-mail at

Meetings & Events

Meetings & Events â€“ Stay up to date with all NAIC National meetings and special events.