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Dieter Hendrickx
Head - Prudential Policy Insurance, National Bank of Belgium

Dieter Hendrickx was appointed the Head of Prudential Policy Insurance at the National Bank of Belgium (NBB) in November 2018. He holds MSc degrees in Business Engineering and Financial and Actuarial Engineering from the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. After working for close to four years in the Value and Risk Management Department of a large bancassurrance group, he joined the supervisor (the former Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission, later NBB) in April 2010.

He is currently a member of EIOPA’s Supervisory Steering Committee and an alternate voting member to the EIOPA Board of Supervisors and Management Board. He was appointed as the Chair of the IAIS Macroprudential Committee in June 2020. At the same time, he also became a member of the IAIS Executive Committee.
