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R&R Keynote: Storms, Wildfire, and Climate: How Homes (and Insurers) Survive
50 min

The growing frequency and severity of natural catastrophes warrant greater focus on resiliency.  Convinced that the continuing cycle of human suffering that strikes families and communities in the wake of severe weather can be broken, the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) is a team of scientists and risk communicators who deliver strategies to build safer and stronger homes and businesses.  By helping individuals, businesses, and communities take protective action before disaster strikes, public officials can take steps to save lives, encourage personal responsibility, enhance market-based solutions, promote long-term fiscal restraint, reduce public sector response and recovery costs, and create a more resilient society.  Roy Wright, President and CEO of IBHS, will share the latest research findings from IBHS to promote resilience to natural catastrophes.
