This page provides state-specific checklists, application forms and contacts for paper resident and non-resident licensing in the State of Wisconsin.
Non-Resident Licensing Checklist for Business Entities
- Attach a check * or money order for $100
* Checks payable to Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
- The only paper attachments necessary are for any affirmative answers to the legal questions.
- Sign application
Special Requirements
- * Corporate and partnership licensing is NOT mandatory in Wisconsin. Even if a license is issued, it does not provide the entity with the authority to act as an agent. Corporations are not appointed to do business with individual insurers. In addition, commissions can be assigned to a corporation, with or without a license.
Non-Resident Licensing Checklist for Individuals
- Attach a check * or money order for $75 (1 line), $150 (2 lines), $225 (3 lines), $300 (4 lines), $375 (5 lines)
* Checks payable to Office of the Commissioner of Insurance.
Surplus lines applicants must include an additional $100 application fee. - The only paper attachments necessary are for any affirmative answers to the legal questions.
- Sign application
Appointment Requirements
- Insurers are required to appoint individual agents AFTER a license is issued. All appointments and terminations are processed electronically. No paper forms are accepted.
- No fees are required at the time of appointment. Companies are billed annually for newly appointed agents.
- Section 6.57, Wis. Adm. Code identifies that an appointment is effective 15 days prior to the date on which the appointment is entered on the OCI licensing system. All electronic systems allow a company to back-date an appointment up to 15 days prior to entering them into the system. The rule allows companies to appoint individuals upon receipt of a piece of business prior to appointment, as long as the company appoints the agent within the 15 day time period. This complies with the intent of the Model Act, and is the way in which our market conduct examiners are utilizing the information during examinations.
Resident Licensing Checklist for Business Entities
- Attach a check * or money order for $100
* Checks payable to Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
- Sign application
Special Requirements
- * Corporate and partnership licensing is NOT mandatory in Wisconsin. Even if a license is issued, it does not provide the entity with the authority to act as an agent. Corporations are not appointed to do business with individual insurers. In addition, commissions can be assigned to a corporation, with or without a license.
Resident Licensing Checklist for Individuals
Individual licensing process is electronic. Click on
Paper applications are not required.
The National Insurance Producer Registry ("NIPR") populates the State Matrix of Business Rules ("State Matrix") with information provided directly from participating state insurance departments. Participating states are encouraged to provide updated information when appropriate. NIPR does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or adequacy of the information in the State Matrix. The information in the State Matrix does not constitute legal advice and use of this information is at user's own risk and responsibility. Any questions regarding the interpretation of the rules or the accuracy of the information should be directed to the appropriate state insurance department.
Uniform Application for Business Entities
Uniform Application for Individuals
Wisconsin accepts the Uniform Licensing Application for nonresident business entities and individuals.
Wisconsin accepts the Uniform Licensing Application for resident business entities and individuals.
Mail Applications to:
Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
Agent Licensing Section
P.O. Box 7872
Madison, WI 53707-7872
Non-Resident Contacts
Business and Individual
Resident Contacts
Business and Individual