NAIC Data Calls
Short-Term Limited Duration | Contacts
Your company received the Short-Term Limited Duration (STLD) data call because the participating states are trying to determine which companies write short-term limited duration medical policies. Because these policies can be written by Health, P&C, and Life companies, the data call letter was sent to all companies licensed to write business in any of the 40 participating states.
If you do not write any STLD business, please send a short email to with the following subject line:
Subject: STLD Data Call – Notification of No Business to Report
In the body of the email, please provide the name of the company and the NAIC company code.
Key 2019 Dates | |
October 28, 2019 | STLD Data Call Letter to go out to all companies. |
December 13, 2019 | STLD Data Calls Deadline (Final Deadline) |
Extensions will not be granted | |
For additional assistance contact the NAIC at |
Short-Term Limited Duration Data Call
The Short-Term Limited Duration (STLD) Data Call is a collaborative data call of 40 participating NAIC jurisdictions under the auspices of the Market Analysis Procedures (D) Working Group.
The purpose of the data call is to obtain an understanding of the extent of the STLD market in each jurisdiction. The data call requires each company to report on each short-term limited duration medical plan it markets and sells in each jurisdiction. The STLD data call is specific for each jurisdiction, so the company will file the data call by product and by jurisdiction.
In addition to underwriting and claims data (e.g., the numbers of policies/certificates in-force, covered lives, claims paid and premium written), the company will also provide data on the coverages and limitations for each form and the methods and names of entities marketing and administering the form.
Updates and results of the STLD data call will be provided during the regularly scheduled Market Analysis Procedures (D) Working Group.
For additional information and assistance in filing the STLD data call, please refer to the documents available on this webpage or contact the NAIC at