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Alaska: NIPR Paper Licensing
Alaska: Paper Licensing

This page provides state-specific checklists, application forms and contacts for paper resident and non-resident licensing in the State of Alaska.

Non-Resident Licensing Checklist for Business Entities

Appointment Requirements

  • An insurer is no longer required to file an appointment with the Alaska Division of Insurance. However, insurers will be required to track those producers that have been authorized to act as an agent of the company. Upon the Alaska Director's request, an insurer would be required to provide a listing within 3 days of the request, of all producers acting as its agent. If an insurer terminates a producer for cause, written notification must be filed with the Alaska Division of Insurance.

Financial Responsibility

  • All money, except that made payable to the insurer, representing premium taxes and fees, premiums or return premiums, shall be received by the licensee as a fiduciary.

Other Requirements

  • Attach a check * or money order for $75 for producers, adjusters, limited lines for bail bond, travel, title, motor vehicle rental, credit or crop; or $300 for surplus lines broker or third party administrator

    *Checks payable to State of Alaska
    Note:Fees are non-refundable pursuant to 3 AAC 31-010

  • A business entity applying for licensure must also submit the Uniform Application for Individual Non-Resident License for the designated responsible person (compliance officer).

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Non-Resident Licensing Checklist for Individuals

Appointment Requirements

  • An insurer is no longer required to file an appointment with the Alaska Division of Insurance. However, insurers will be required to track those producers that have been authorized to act as an agent of the company. Upon the Alaska Director's request, an insurer would be required to provide a listing within 3 days of the request, of all producers acting as its agent. If an insurer terminates a producer for cause, written notification must be filed with the Alaska Division of Insurance.

Financial Responsibility

  • All money, except that made payable to the insurer, representing premium taxes and fees, premiums or return premiums, shall be received by the licensee as a fiduciary.

Other Requirements

  • Attach a check * or money order for $75 for producers, adjusters, limited lines for bail bond, travel, title, motor vehicle rental, credit or crop; or $300 for surplus lines broker or third party administrator

    * Checks payable to State of Alaska
    Note: Fees are non-refundable pursuant to 3 AAC 31-01

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Resident Licensing Checklist for Business Entities

A person may not file the NAIC Resident Uniform Application if they are seeking any type of limited lines license for title and viatical settlement license. For those specific license types, a person must file the Alaska Individual Application Form 08-241.

Appointment Requirements

  • An insurer is no longer required to file an appointment with the Alaska Division of Insurance. However, insurers will be required to track those producers that have been authorized to act as an agent of the company. Upon the Alaska Director's request, an insurer would be required to provide a listing within 3 days of the request, of all producers acting as its agent. If an insurer terminates a producer for cause, written notification must be filed with the Alaska Division of Insurance.

Financial Responsibility

  • All money, except that made payable to the insurer, representing premium taxes and fees, premiums or return premiums, shall be received by the licensee as a fiduciary.

Other Requirements

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Resident Licensing Checklist for Individuals

A person may not file the NAIC Resident Uniform Application if they are seeking any type of limited lines license for title, motor vehicle rental, and viatical settlement license. For those specific license types, a person must file the Alaska Business Entity (Firm) Application Form 08-240.

Appointment Requirements

  • An insurer is no longer required to file an appointment with the Alaska Division of Insurance. However, insurers will be required to track those producers that have been authorized to act as an agent of the company. Upon the Alaska Director's request, an insurer would be required to provide a listing within 3 days of the request, of all producers acting as its agent. If an insurer terminates a producer for cause, written notification must be filed with the Alaska Division of Insurance.

Financial Responsibility

  • All money, except that made payable to the insurer, representing premium taxes and fees, premiums or return premiums, shall be received by the licensee as a fiduciary.

Other Requirements

  • Must be 18 years of age
  • Attach a check * or money order for $75 for producers, adjusters, limited lines for bail bond, travel, title, motor vehicle rental, credit or crop; or $300 for surplus lines broker or third party administrator

    * Checks payable to State of Alaska that includes application fee and fingerprint processing fee of $51.50
    Note: Fees are non-refundable pursuant to 3 AAC 31-010

  • One fingerprint card must be filed for state and national criminal background check for the individual OR designated responsible person (compliance officer).

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The National Insurance Producer Registry ("NIPR") populates the State Matrix of Business Rules ("State Matrix") with information provided directly from participating state insurance departments. Participating states are encouraged to provide updated information when appropriate. NIPR does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or adequacy of the information in the State Matrix. The information in the State Matrix does not constitute legal advice and use of this information is at user's own risk and responsibility. Any questions regarding the interpretation of the rules or the accuracy of the information should be directed to the appropriate state insurance department.

Uniform Application for Business Entities



Uniform Application for Individuals




Alaska accepts the Uniform Licensing Application for nonresident business entities and individuals.


Alaska accepts the Uniform Licensing Application for resident business entities and individuals.


Alaska Division of Insurance Web site

Mail Applications to:
Alaska Division of Insurance
333 Willoughby Ave., 9th Floor
Juneau, AK 99801


P.O. Box 110805
Juneau, AK 99811-0805


Non-Resident Contacts

Business and Individual
Alaska Division of Insurance 


Resident Contacts

Business and Individual
Alaska Division of Insurance 