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Maryland: NIPR Paper Licensing
maryland: paper licensing

This page provides state-specific checklists, application forms and contacts for paper resident and non-resident licensing in the State of Maryland.


Non-Resident Licensing Checklist for Business Entities

Important Update:

The Agent and Broker Certificate of Qualifications have been replaced by our Insurance Producer License. Maryland uses the NAIC's (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) Business Entity Uniform Application for both Residents and Non-Residents.


  • Attach a check or money order for $54.00, made payable to the Maryland Insurance Administration, 
    for an Insurance Producer License.

    Note: Producer licenses renew every two- (2) years from the date of issuance.

  • Maryland accepts the NAIC Uniform Application for licensing Resident and Non-Resident Surplus Lines Producers and Business Entities. Surplus Lines applicants must submit a check or money order for $200 if your current Producer License is greater than one year from expiration, or $100 if your current Producer License is less than one year from expiration.

    Note: Surplus Lines Producer Licenses are issued to expire on the same date as the currently active Producer License. Only Resident Surplus Lines Producers must submit a $10,000 surety bond on the bond form provided by the Maryland Insurance Administration.

    Note: Law Firms may not apply for a Maryland Title Insurance Producer License. Law Firms doing title work as a part of their law practice are exempt from licensure as a title insurance agency.

    Note: The attached Trade Name Registration form must be completed by all entities interested in doing business under a name different than the name that appears or will appear on their Maryland license.


  • The NAIC application, Maryland Supplement for Business Entity, and all applicable bond forms can be downloaded from the Maryland Insurance web-site.

    For a Non-Resident Producer License a Letter of Certification is not required, because all states participate in the Producer Database.

    For variable lines, (annuity, life), include a copy of NASD certification or proof of passing SECO exam.

    A Letter of Good Standing from the Maryland Department of Assessment and Taxation (SDAT) for corporations and LLCs (Limited Liability Companies) is not required, based on your attestation to your good standing in Section 8 of the Maryland Supplement.


  • Only a business address will be disclosed to the public on our web-site under Producer Search. If no business address is provided, no address will be shown for the licensee.


  • An appointment is necessary before a producer, including individuals and firms, acting on behalf of an insurer or representing an insurer may solicit insurance or place business. The new producer law does not require every producer to hold an appointment; only those that are acting on behalf or representing an insurer need an appointment. As of January 1, 2004, insurers will no longer be required to report appointments or appointment terminations, except terminations "for cause," to the Insurance Administration. Insurers will be required to keep a register of appointed producers. See COMAR 31.03.13 Producer Registers and Documentation of Appointments.

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Non-Resident Licensing Checklist for Individuals

Important Update:

The Agent and Broker Certificate of Qualifications have been replaced by our Insurance Producer License. Maryland uses the NAIC's (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) Business Entity Uniform Application for both Residents and Non-Residents.


  • Producer License Applicants attach a check or money order for $54.00, made payable to The Maryland Insurance Administration.

    Note: Producer licenses renew every two- (2) years from the date of issuance.

  • Maryland accepts the NAIC Uniform Application for licensing Resident and Non-Resident Surplus Lines Producers and Business Entities. Surplus Lines applicants must submit a check or money order for $200 if your current Producer License is greater than one year from expiration, or $100 if your current Producer License is less than one year from expiration.

    Note: Surplus Line Producer Licenses are issued to expire on the same date as the currently active Producer License.

    Note: Only Resident Surplus Lines Producers must submit a $10,000 surety bond on the bond form supplied by the Maryland Insurance Administration.

    Note: The attached Trade Name Registration form must be completed by all individuals interested in doing business under a name different than the name that appears or will appear on their Maryland license.

  • Sign application


  • The NAIC application, Maryland Supplement for Individual, and all applicable bond forms can be downloaded from the Maryland Insurance web-site:

    For a Non-Resident Producer License a Letter of Certification is not required because all states currently participate in the Producer Data Base

    For variable lines (annuity, life), include a copy of NASD certification or proof of passing SECO exam.


  • Only a business address will be disclosed to the public on our web-site under Producer Search. If no business address is provided, no address will be shown for the license.


  • An appointment is necessary before a producer, including individuals and firms, acting on behalf of an insurer or representing an insurer may solicit insurance or place business. The new producer law does not require every producer to hold an appointment; only those that are acting on behalf or representing an insurer need an appointment. As of January 1, 2004, insurers will no longer be required to report appointments or appointment terminations, except terminations "for cause," to the Insurance Administration. Insurers will be required to keep a register of appointed producers. See COMAR 31.03.13 Producer Registers and Documentation of Appointments.

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Resident Licensing Checklist for Business Entities

Important Update

As of July 2, 2001 the Agent and Broker Certificate of Qualifications have been replaced by our Insurance Producer License. Maryland uses the NAIC's (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) Business Entity Uniform Application for both Residents and Non-Residents.


  • Attach a check or money order for $54.00, made payable to the Maryland Insurance Administration, for an Insurance Producer License.

    Note: Producer licenses renew every two years from the date of issuance.


  • The NAIC application, Maryland Supplement for Business Entity, and all applicable bond forms can be downloaded from the Maryland Insurance web-site.

    Include a Letter of Clearance from your previous home state license jurisdiction, if applying for a Resident Producer License.

    Note: Letters of Clearance are good for 90 days from the date of issuance.

    For variable lines, (annuity, life), include a copy of NASD certification or proof of passing SECO exam, unless the Letter of Certification shows variable authority.

    A Letter of Good Standing from the Maryland Department of Assessment and Taxation (SDAT) for corporations and LLCs (Limited Liability Companies) is not required, based on your attestation to your good standing in Section 3 of the Maryland Supplement.


  • An appointment is necessary before a producer, acting on behalf of an insurer or representing an insurer, may solicit or place business. The new producer law does not require every producer to hold an appointment, only those that are acting on behalf of or represent an insurer need an appointment. The mere fact that the Broker's license has been replaced by the producer license does not change the Broker into a person who acts on behalf of or represents an insurer. Maryland has maintained in its producer law the existing distinction between brokers and agents, now producers.

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Resident Licensing Checklist for Individuals

Important Documents

As of July 2, 2001 the Agent and Broker Certificate of Qualifications have been replaced by our Insurance Producer License. Maryland uses the NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) Individual Uniform Application for both Residents and Non-Residents.


  • Attach a check or money order for $54.00, made payable to the Maryland Insurance Administration, for an Insurance Producer License.

    Note: Producer licenses renew every two years from the date of issuance.


  • The NAIC application, Maryland Supplement for Individual, and all applicable bond forms can be downloaded from the Maryland Insurance web-site:

    Include a Letter of Clearance from your previous home state jurisdiction (within 90 days of issuance), if applying for a Resident Producer License.

    Note: Letters of Clearance are good for 90 days from the issue date.

    For variable lines (annuity, life), include a copy of NASD certification or proof of passing SECO exam, unless the Letter of Certification shows variable authority.

    Sign application


  • An appointment is necessary before a producer acting on behalf of or representing an insurer may solicit insurance or place business. The new producer law does not require every producer to hold an appointment, only those that are acting on behalf or representing an insurer need an appointment. The mere fact that the broker license has been replaced by the producer license does not change the broker into a person who acts on behalf of or represents an insurer. Maryland has maintained in its producer law, the existing distinctions between brokers and agents, now producers.


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The National Insurance Producer Registry ("NIPR") populates the State Matrix of Business Rules ("State Matrix") with information provided directly from participating state insurance departments. Participating states are encouraged to provide updated information when appropriate. NIPR does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or adequacy of the information in the State Matrix. The information in the State Matrix does not constitute legal advice and use of this information is at user's own risk and responsibility. Any questions regarding the interpretation of the rules or the accuracy of the information should be directed to the appropriate state insurance department.

Uniform Application for Business Entities



Uniform Application for Individuals




Maryland accepts the Uniform Licensing Application for nonresident business entities and individuals.


Maryland accepts the Uniform Licensing Application for resident business entities and individuals.


Maryland Web Site

Mail Applications to:

Maryland Insurance Administration
ATTN: Producer Licensing Unit
200 St.Paul Place, Suite 2700
Baltimore, Maryland 21202

Maryland Insurance Administration
ATTN: Producer Licensing Unit
200 St.Paul Place, Suite 2700
Baltimore, Maryland 21202

Producer Licensing Customer Service: 1-888-204-6198

Producer Licensing Fax: 410-468-2399


Non-Resident Contacts

Business and Individual 
Maryland Insurance Administration


Resident Contacts

Business and Individual
Maryland Insurance Administration 


NIPR Licensing