12:00 PM CDT
Discussion will focus on items being exposed at the Spring National Meeting with a May 2 public comment period to allow time for coordination with the Blanks (E) Working Group. Materials will be distributed when available.
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Last Updated 1/29/2025
Most insurers authorized to do business in the United States and its territories are required to prepare statutory financial statements in accordance with Statutory Accounting Principles (SAP). SAP are detailed within the NAIC Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual (AP&P Manual). However, the AP&P Manual does not preempt state legislative and regulatory authority, therefore state variations may occur in accordance with prescribed or permitted practices:
Statutory Accounting Principles are designed to 1) ensure consistent reporting among insurers, and 2) assist state insurance departments in the regulation of insurance companies. The ultimate objective for regulators is to ensure an insurer is solvent as this is critical to ensure that policyholders, contract holders and other legal obligations are met when they come due and that companies maintain capital and surplus at all times and in such forms as required by statute to provide an adequate margin of safety. The cornerstone of solvency measurement is financial reporting. Therefore, the regulator’s ability to effectively determine relative financial condition using financial statements is of paramount importance to the protection of policyholders. SAP was initially established utilizing the Financial Accounting Standards (FAS) framework under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and has since been maintained and updated by the Statutory Accounting Principles (E) Working Group (SAPWG) which considers and concludes on individual Accounting Standard Updates (ASUs), or by addressing new statutory accounting issues separate and distinct from U.S. GAAP standards. As a result, the SAP and U.S. GAAP accounting standards have distinct differences. In contrast to the SAP focus on the balance sheet and solvency, U.S. GAAP is typically more focused on providing decision-useful information to investors (e.g., income statement).
SAP is developed in accordance with the concepts of consistency, recognition and conservatism:
All authoritative U.S. GAAP is reviewed and considered by the Statutory Accounting Principles (E) Working Group for statutory accounting. The U.S. GAAP guidance can be 1) adopted; 2) adopted with modification; or 3) rejected for statutory accounting. Information regarding the decision for U.S. GAAP guidance can be found in the various SSAPs (Statements of Statutory Accounting Principles) and collectively in Appendix D – GAAP Cross-Reference to SAP.
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