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Property and Casualty Insurance (C) Committee

2024 Membership


The mission of the Property and Casualty Insurance (C) Committee is to: 1) monitor and respond to problems associated with the products, delivery and cost in the property/casualty (P/C) insurance market and the surplus lines market as they operate with respect to individual persons and businesses; 2) monitor and respond to problems associated with financial reporting matters for P/C insurers that are of interest to regulatory actuaries and analysts; and 3) monitor and respond to problems associated with the financial aspects of the surplus lines market.

2024 Adopted Charges

Discuss issues arising and make recommendations with respect to advisory organization and insurer filings for personal and commercial lines, as needed. Report yearly.

  1. The Property and Casualty Insurance (C) Committee will:

    1. Monitor the activities of the Casualty Actuarial and Statistical (C) Task Force.
    2. Monitor the activities of the Surplus Lines (C) Task Force.
    3. Monitor the activities of the Title Insurance (C) Task Force.
    4. Monitor the activities of the Workers’ Compensation (C) Task Force.
    5. Provide an impartial forum for considering appeals of adverse decisions involving alien insurers delisted or rejected for listing to the Quarterly Listing of Alien Insurers. Appeal procedures are described in the International Insurers Department (IID) Plan of Operation.
    6. Monitor and review developments in case law related to risk retention groups (RRGs). If warranted, make appropriate recommendations to the Risk Retention Group (E) Task Force for changes to the Risk Retention and Purchasing Group Handbook.
    7. Monitor the activities of the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) that affect state insurance regulators: 
      1. Serve as a forum for discussing issues related to the interaction of federal crop insurance programs with state insurance regulation.
      2. Review law changes and court decisions, and, if warranted, make appropriate changes to the Federal Crop Insurance Program Handbook: A Guide for Insurance Regulators.
      3. Monitor the regulatory information exchanges between the FCIC and state insurance regulators, as well as the FCIC and the NAIC, and make recommendations for improvements or revisions, as needed. 
    8. Report on the cyber insurance market, including data reported within the Cybersecurity Insurance and Identity Theft Coverage Supplement.
    9. Monitor regulatory issues that arise with the development of autonomous vehicles. Study and, if necessary, develop recommendations for changes needed to the state-based insurance regulatory framework.
    10. Provide a forum for discussing issues related to parametric insurance, and consider the development of a white paper or regulatory guidance.
    11. Study and report on the availability and affordability of liability and property coverage for non-profit organizations.
    12. Assist state insurance regulators in better assessing their markets and insurer underwriting practices by developing property market data intelligence so regulators can better understand how markets are performing in their states, and identify potential new coverage gaps, including changes in deductibles and coverage types, and affordability and availability issues.  
    13. Provide a forum for discussing issues related to the use of telematics in insurance, and consider the development of a white paper or regulatory guidance.
  2. The Cannabis Insurance (C) Working Group will:
    1. Assess and periodically report on the status of federal legislation that would protect financial institutions from liability associated with providing services to cannabis businesses operating legally under state law.
    2. Support insurance regulators’ efforts to encourage the development of admitted market insurers, as well as the expansion of existing admitted market insurers, and reinsurers supporting the market, to ensure coverage adequacy in states where cannabis, including hemp, is legal.
    3. Stay abreast of new products and innovative ideas that may shape insurance in this space. Provide insurance resources to insurance regulators and stakeholders, as needed.
    4. Explore potential sources of constraint to coverage limits and availability of cannabis insurance products within the admitted and non-admitted market. Explore the effect of the use of cannabis on P/C insurance lines of business.
  3. The Catastrophe Insurance (C) Working Group will:
    1. Monitor and recommend measures to improve the availability and affordability of insurance and reinsurance related to catastrophe perils for personal and commercial lines.
    2. Evaluate potential state, regional, and national programs to increase capacity for insurance and reinsurance related to catastrophe perils, including mitigation efforts being used in states and investigating loss trends in homeowners markets, with the goal to provide rate stability in the marketplace and protect consumers.
    3. Monitor and assess proposals that address disaster insurance issues at the federal and state levels. Assess concentration-of-risk issues and whether a regulatory solution is needed.
    4. Provide a forum for discussing issues and recommending solutions related to insuring for catastrophe risk, including terrorism, war, and natural disasters.
    5. Complete the drafting of a Catastrophe Modeling Primer that addresses the basic concepts of catastrophe modeling.
    6. Investigate and recommend ways the NAIC can assist states in responding to disasters by continuing to build the NAIC’s Catastrophe Resource Center for state insurance regulators to better prepare for disasters.
    7. Continue to monitor the growth of the private flood insurance market and assess the actions taken by individual states to facilitate growth. Update the Considerations for Private Flood Insurance appendix to include new ways states are growing the private flood insurance market.
    8. Study, in coordination with other NAIC task forces and working groups, earthquake, severe convective storms and wildfire matters of concern to state insurance regulators.
  4. The NAIC/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (C) Advisory Group will:
    1. Assist state insurance regulators in engaging and collaborating with FEMA on an ongoing basis by establishing a process for the oversight, prioritization, and reporting of disaster-related regional workshops and other exercises to improve disaster preparation and resilience. 
    2. Liaise with insurers and FEMA to provide timely information to necessary parties following a catastrophic loss.
    3. Discuss ways in which states in the same FEMA region can collaborate and share information with other states in their FEMA region.
  5. The Terrorism Insurance Implementation (C) Working Group will:
    1. Coordinate the NAIC’s efforts to address insurance coverage for acts of terrorism. Work with the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s (Treasury Department’s) Terrorism Risk Insurance Program (TRIP) Office on matters of mutual concern. Discuss long-term solutions to address the risk of loss from acts of terrorism.
    2. Review and report on data collection related to insurance coverage for acts of terrorism.
  6. The Transparency and Readability of Consumer Information (C) Working Group will:
    1. Facilitate consumers’ capacity to understand the content of insurance policies and assess differences in insurers’ policy forms.
    2. Assist other groups with drafting language included within consumer-facing documents.
    3. Discuss disclosures for premium increases related to P/C insurance products. .
    4. Update and develop web page and mobile content for A Shopping Tool for Homeowners Insurance and A Shopping Tool for Automobile Insurance.
    5. Study and evaluate ways to engage department of insurance (DOI) communication with more diverse populations, such as rural communities.

NAIC Support Staff: Aaron Brandenburg

Property and Casualty Insurance (C) Committee

Property and Casualty Insurance (C) Committee
Thursday, August 15, 2024
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM CDT

McCormick Place Convention Center—S102—Level 1

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Media Inquiries
(816) 783-8909

Aaron Brandenburg
Assistant Director, P&C Regulatory Services

Please see the current Committee List for a complete list of committee members.