2025 Reaffirmed / Adopted Mission Statement
The mission of the NAIC/American Indian and Alaska Native Liaison Committee is to provide a forum for ongoing dialogue between NAIC Members and the American Indian and Alaska Native communities concerning insurance issues of common interest. Specifically, the Liaison Committee will provide a forum for an exchange of information and views on issues surrounding the availability of insurance for American Indian and Alaska Native consumers and tribal interests, an opportunity for American Indian and Alaska Native groups to bring insurance consumer protection issues to the attention of NAIC Members, and a dialogue on best practices for dealing with insurance issues unique to sovereign tribal nations.
Mind the Gap: Building Tribal Relationships - Exploring and Expanding Medical Access through Education, Insurance, and Understanding
Monday, November 18, 2024
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM MT
Gaylord Rockies Hotel—Juniper Ballroom—Level 1
Public Webex Meeting
Monday, November 16, 2020
9:00 AM ET, 8:00 AM CT, 7:00 AM MT, 6:00 AM PT
Expected Length of Call: 1 hr
Webex Link
Interim meeting in lieu of the Fall National Meeting.
To discuss the work of the NAIC Special (EX) Committee on Race and Insurance.
AIAN Pandemic Report 12.07.22 Final.pdf
AIAN ACA Report 12.07.22 Final.pdf
AIAN Report on Cultural Awareness & Communication 12.07.22 Final.pdf
Summary - 2021 Spring National Meeting Summary AIAN Cmte Interim Mtg 150 Ann.pd
Oklahoma Supreme Court Case documents noted during Summer National Meeting:
McGirt v Oklahoma18-9526_9okb_0.pdf
Media Inquiries
(816) 783-8909
Lois E. Alexander
Market Regulation Manager II
Please see the current Committee List for a complete list of committee members.