Relocated from the Producer Licensing (EX) Working Group page
Adjuster Licensing
The PLWG adopted the Independent Adjuster Licensing Guidelines in 2008. In 2011 Adjuster Licensing (EX) Subgroup created the Independent Adjuster Reciprocity Best Practices & Guidelines document to aid states in achieving adjuster licensing uniformity.
In addition the Adjuster Licensing Subgroup created an Adjuster Licensing Uniformity Chart to evaluate the state implementation process of the independent guidelines and best practices.
- Independent Adjuster Reciprocity Best Practices & Guidelines 2011
- Adjuster Licensing Chart 2013 - Compiled
- Adjuster Licensing Chart (BLANK)
The PLWG has continued their focus on achieving continuing education uniformity and reciprocity. Please visit the Uniform Education (EX) Subgroup Webpage for further information and documents that have been created and adopted by the PLWG.
For more information including CE forms and documents please see the CE Reciprocity Webpage.
Producer Licensing Reference Materials
NAIC Producer Licensing Assessment Report:
- Producer Licensing Assessment Progress Report 3/16/09
- Producer Licensing Assessment Aggregate Report 2/19/08
Producer Licensing Model Act FAQ
Surveys on Producer Issues
- PDB vs. Home State Certification
- Licensable Versus Non-Licensable Activities [Word]
- Commission Sharing Exemption
- Multi-State Commercial Lines Exemption [Excel]
Note: These are two separate items
The purpose of the State Licensing Handbook is to give guidance to state insurance departments and regulated entities on how to administer a producer licensing program. It is bas ed on the NAIC's Producer Licensing Model Act, the Uniform Licensing Standards and all guidelines that have been adopted by the Producer Licensing (EX) Working Group. The Handbook includes information on other licenses that a state licensing director may administer, i.e. adjusters. The Handbook assists regulators in continued movement toward uniformity in procedures among the states. The handbook also contains suggested 'best practices' in administering a state licensing program.
The 2013 version of the State Licensing Handbook may be purchased from the NAIC Publications Department Click here to access the Publications Catalog.
Testing & Examination State Pass Rates
The Working Group adopted the Revised – Uniform Licensing Standard in 2011. The ULS were fully adopted by the Producer Licensing (EX) Task Force and then the Executive Committee during the NAIC Fall 2011 National Meeting.
Limited Lines: The Working Group discussed the limited lines charge during the 2010 Summer National Meeting. The Working Group adopted a motion for the crop limited lines license requirements and a separate motion for the limited lines travel insurance standards. The Crop and Travel limited lines were then adopted by the Producer Licensing Task Force and the Executive Committee.
The working group was asked to review the full adoption, and uniform interpretation, of the commercial lines multi-state exemption and the commission sharing exemption across all states and provide further guidance. The attached document shows the recommendations provided. The document was fully adopted by the NAIC in 2008.
- Recommendations for the Commercial Lines Multi-State Exemption and Commission Sharing Laws
NAIC Producer Licensing Assessment Report:
- Producer Licensing Outreach Assessment Report 3/24/10
- Producer Licensing Assessment Progress Report 3/16/09
- Producer Licensing Assessment Aggregate Report 2/19/08
The working group was asked to review the compliance with uniform licensing standards and identify those standards that are not generally supported by the local industry organizations at the state legislative level as well as the specific issues associated with non-support. The attached document shows the recommendations provided. The document was fully adopted by the NAIC in 2008
Information regarding resident and non-resident requirements for individual states accepting paper licensing for the Uniform Licensing Applications are available on the NAIC Paper Licensing Map
Relocated from the State Licensing Handbook page
During 2012 the Producer Licensing (EX) Working Group completed significant revisions to Chapter 8 – Testing Programs; Chapter 9 - Lines of Insurance; Chapter 10 – Surplus Lines; and Chapter 18 – Adjuster Licensing. Additional biennial revisions and updates were applied were appropriate.
The 2013 version of the State Licensing Handbook may be purchased from the NAIC Publications Department. Click here to access the Publications Catalog.
Relocated from the Producer Uniformity page
The Working Group adopted the Revised – Uniform Licensing Standard in 2011. The ULS were fully adopted by the Producer Licensing (EX) Task Force and then the Executive Committee during the NAIC Fall 2011 National Meeting.
Limited Lines: The Working Group discussed the limited lines charge during the 2010 Summer National Meeting. The Working Group adopted a motion for the crop limited lines license requirements and a separate motion for the limited lines travel insurance standards. The Crop and Travel limited lines were then adopted by the Producer Licensing Task Force and the Executive Committee.
The working group was asked to review the full adoption, and uniform interpretation, of the commercial lines multi-state exemption and the commission sharing exemption across all states and provide further guidance. The attached document shows the recommendations provided. The document was fully adopted by the NAIC in 2008.
NAIC Producer Licensing Assessment Report:
- Producer Licensing Outreach Assessment Report 3/24/10
- Producer Licensing Assessment Progress Report 3/16/09
- Producer Licensing Assessment Aggregate Report 2/19/08
The working group was asked to review the compliance with uniform licensing standards and identify those standards that are not generally supported by the local industry organizations at the state legislative level as well as the specific issues associated with non-support. The attached document shows the recommendations provided. The document was fully adopted by the NAIC in 2008
Relocated from the Uniform Education (EX) Subgroup page
The CE Classroom Course Recommendations were adopted by the NAIC full membership at the 2016 NAIC Summer National Meeting.
- CE Classroom Course Recommendations - Adopted 2016
The CER Form was last adopted on September 2009 by the NAIC Full Membership. The PLWG has focused on adapting the form as necessary to achieve uniformity.
The PLWG has continued to review and update the CE guidelines for online and classroom courses in addition to the uniform formula used to to calculate credit hours. The guidelines were last updated in September of 2009 by adding the"Additional Online Course Guidelines" document to the current guidelines and formula document.
The CE Course Guidelines for Classroom Webinar/Webcast were adopted by the NAIC full membership at the 2014 NAIC Summer National Meeting.
The CE Course Guidelines for Online Course were adopted by the NAIC full membership at the 2015 NAIC Spring National Meeting.
The CE Standardized Terms and Definitions were adopted by NAIC full membership at the 2013 NAIC Fall National Meting.