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NAIC State Licensing Handbook
State Licensing Handbook

 The purpose of the State Licensing Handbook is to give guidance to state insurance departments and regulated entities on how to administer a producer licensing program. It is based on the NAIC's Producer Licensing Model Act, the Uniform Licensing Standards and all guidelines that have been adopted by the Producer Licensing (D) Task Force and its Working Groups. The Handbook includes information on other licenses that a state licensing director may administer, i.e. adjusters. The Handbook assists regulators in continued movement toward uniformity in procedures among the states. The handbook also contains suggested 'best practices' in administering a state licensing program.

The 2020 version of the State Licensing Handbook is available from the NAIC Publications Department Click here to access the Publications Catalog.

2020 State Licensing Handbook

2019 NAIC State Licensing Handbook

Appendix List

Section One – Documents Adopted by the Producer Licensing Working Group and the NAIC

  1. Broker Compensation Frequently Asked Questions (Appendix A)
  2. Commercial Lines Multi-State Exemption and Commission Sharing Recommendations (Appendix B)
  3. Continuing Education Reciprocity (Appendix C)
  4. Continuing Education Standardized Terms and Definitions (Appendix D)
  5. Prelicensing Education Standardized Terms and Definitions (Appendix E)
  6. Continuing Education Recommended Guidelines for Online Courses (Appendix F)
  7. Continuing Education Recommended Guidelines for Classroom Course (Appendix G)
  8. Continuing Education Reciprocity Uniform Course Filing Form (Appendix H)
  9. Course Guidelines for Classroom Webinar/Webcast Delivery (Appendix I)
  10. Emergency Adjuster Licensing Best Practices Guidelines (Appendix J)
  11. Independent Adjuster Reciprocity Best Practices and Guidelines (Appendix K)
  12. Independent Adjuster Licensing Guideline (Appendix L)
  13. Limited Line Term Life Resolution (Appendix M)
  14. Low Compliance Licensing Standards Recommendations (Appendix N)
  15. Progress Report to Membership on Producer Licensing State Assessments – March 2009 (Appendix O)
  16. Progress Report to Membership on Producer Licensing State Assessments – March 2010 (Appendix P)
  17. Model Bulletin on Flood Insurance (Appendix Q)
  18. Model Bulletin on Long-term Care Continuing Education (Appendix R)
  19. Producer Licensing Model Act (Appendix S)
  20. Professional Licensing Standards Recommendations (Appendix T)
  21. Public Adjuster Model Act (Appendix U)
  22. Report of the NARAB Working Group: Recommendation of States Continuing to Meet Reciprocity Requirements of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (Appendix V)
  23. Uniform Criminal History & Regulatory Action Background Review Guidelines (Appendix W)
  24. Uniform Appointment Process (Appendix X)
  25. Uniform Licensing Standards (Appendix Y)
  26. Chart on Licensable and Non-Licensable Acts (Appendix Z)

Section Two – General Reference Materials

  1. Sample Continuing Education Program Instructions to Course Providers
  2. Sample Frequently Asked Questions by Producers Regarding Continuing Education Requirements
  3. Sample State Licensing Department Internal Training Manual