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Special (EX) Committee on Race and Insurance

2025 Membership (PDF)

The mission of the Special (EX) Committee on Race and Insurance is to serve as the NAIC’s coordinating body on identifying issues related to: 1) race, diversity, and inclusion within the insurance sector; 2) race, diversity, and inclusion in access to the insurance sector and insurance products; and 3) practices within the insurance sector that potentially disadvantage people of color and/or historically underrepresented groups.

2024 Charges

Ongoing Support of NAIC Programs, Products or Services

1.   The Special (EX) Committee on Race and Insurance will:

A.   Serve as the NAIC’s coordinating body on identifying issues related to: 1) race, diversity, and inclusion within the insurance sector; 2) race, diversity, and inclusion in access to the insurance sector and insurance products; and 3) practices within the insurance sector that potentially disadvantage people of color and/or historically underrepresented groups.

  1. Coordinate with existing groups such as the Innovation, Cybersecurity, and Technology (H) Committee, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (H) Working Group and the Casualty Actuarial and Statistical (C) Task Force and encourage those groups to continue their work on issues affecting people of color and/or historically underrepresented groups, particularly in predictive modeling, price algorithms, and artificial intelligence (AI).
  2. Receive updates on recommendations on action steps state insurance regulators and companies can take to improve the level of diversity and inclusion in the industry.
  3. In coordination with the Executive (EX) Committee, receive reports on NAIC diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) efforts. Serve as the coordinating body for state requests for assistance from the NAIC related to DE&I efforts.
  4. Receive reports from the Member Diversity Leaders Forum concerning best practices among state insurance departments on DE&I efforts.
  5. Continue research and analysis of insurance, legal, and regulatory approaches to addressing unfair discrimination, disparate treatment, proxy discrimination, and disparate impact. Make recommendations for statutory or regulatory changes and additional steps, including:
    1. (Life Workstream) The impact of traditional life insurance underwriting on traditionally underserved populations, considering the relationship between mortality risk and disparate impact.
    2. (Property/Casualty Workstream) Developing analytical and regulatory tools to assist state insurance regulators in defining, identifying, and addressing unfair discrimination in property/casualty (P/C) insurance, including issues related to:
      1. Rating and underwriting variables, such as socioeconomic variables and criminal history, including:
        1. Identifying proxy variables for race.
        2. Correlation versus causation, including discussion of spurious correlation and rational explanation.
        3. Potential bias in underlying data.
        4. Proper use of third-party data.
      2. Disparate impact considerations.
  6. (Life, Property/Casualty, and Health Workstreams) Consider enhanced data reporting and record-keeping requirements across product lines to identify race and other sociodemographic factors of insureds, including consideration of legal and privacy concerns. Consider a data call to identify insurance producer resources available and products sold in specific ZIP codes to identify barriers to access.
  7. Continue research and analysis related to insurance access and affordability issues, including:
    1. (Life Workstream) The marketing, distribution, and access to life insurance products in minority communities, including the role that financial literacy plays.
    2. (Life Workstream) Disparities in the number of cancellations/rescissions among minority policyholders.
    3. (Health Workstream) Measures to advance equity through lowering the cost of health care and promoting access to care and coverage, with a specific focus on measures to remedy impacts on people of color, low income and rural populations, and historically marginalized groups, such as the LGBTQ+ community, individuals with disabilities, and Alaska Native and other Native and Indigenous people.
    4. (Health Workstream) Examination of the use of network adequacy and provider directory measures (e.g., provider diversity, language, and cultural competence) to promote equitable access to culturally competent care.
    5. (Health Workstream) Conduct additional outreach to educate consumers and collect information on health and health care complaints related to discrimination and inequities in accessing care.
    6. (Property/Casualty Workstream) Whether steps need to be taken to mitigate the impact of residual markets, premium financing, and nonstandard markets on historically underrepresented groups.
    7. Make referrals for the development of consumer education and outreach materials, as appropriate.



Health Workstream:

Co-Chairs:    Marie Grant (MD)
                      Grace Arnold (MN)

Members:    Mark Fowler (AL)
                     Peni Itula Sapini Teo (AS)
                     Ricardo Lara (CA)
                     Anita G. Fox (MI)
                     Justin Zimmerman (NJ)
                     Michael Humphreys (PA)
                     Cassie Brown (TX)
                     Mike Kreidler (WA)

NAIC Support Staff: Brian Webb / Jolie Matthews

Life Workstream:

Co-Chairs:    Mark Fowler (AL)
                      Michael Humphreys (PA)

Members:     Peni Itula Sapini Teo (AS)
                      Barbara Richardson (AZ)
                      Marie Grant (MD)
                      Anita G. Fox (MI)
                      Cassie Brown (TX)
                      Nathan Houdek (WI)

NAIC Support Staff: Jennifer Cook

Property/Casualty (P/C) Workstream:

Co-Chairs:   Scott Kipper (NV)
                      Kevin Gaffney (VT)

Members:     Mark Fowler (AL)
                      Peni Itula Sapini Teo (AS)
                      Barbara Richardson (AZ)
                      Timothy J. Temple (LA)
                      Marie Grant (MD)
                      Anita G. Fox (MI)
                      Andrew R. Stolfi (OR)
                      Michael Humphreys (PA)
                      Cassie Brown (TX)
                      Mike Kreidler (WA)

NAIC Support Staff: Aaron Brandenburg

SCORI Health Workstream Oct. 24 Meeting

Public Webex Meeting
Thursday, October 24, 2024
2:00 PM ET, 1:00 PM CT, 12:00 PM MT, 11:00 AM PT
Expected Length of Call: 1 hr
Webex Link


Continue Discussion of Demographic Data Collection

SCORI LIfe Workstream

Public Webex Meeting
Thursday, October 17, 2024
1:00 PM ET, 12:00 PM CT, 11:00 AM MT, 10:00 AM PT
Expected Length of Call: 1 hr
Webex Link


Discuss survey on the use of criminal history in life insurance underwriting.

SCORI Health Workstream Sept 9 Meeting

Public Webex Meeting
Monday, September 09, 2024
3:30 PM ET, 2:30 PM CT, 1:30 PM MT, 12:30 PM PT
Expected Length of Call: 1 hr
Webex Link


Restart discussions on demographic data collection

SCORI Life Workstream

Public Webex Meeting
Monday, August 05, 2024
1:00 PM ET, 12:00 PM CT, 11:00 AM MT, 10:00 AM PT
Expected Length of Call: 1 hr
Webex Link


The Life Workstream will hear a presentation from Sharon M. Dietrich (Community Legal Services of Philadelphia) regarding clean slate initiatives and her comments on the April 25 ACLI presentation. The Life Workstream also plans to discuss the draft survey on criminal history.  

Life Workstream of the Special (EX) Committee on Race and Insurance

Public Conference Call
Thursday, April 25, 2024
4:00 PM ET, 3:00 PM CT, 2:00 PM MT, 1:00 PM PT
Expected Length of Call: 1 hr
Webex Link


SCORI Life Workstream to continue to discuss barriers to access to life insurance and financial literacy.


SCORI Life Workstream

Public Conference Call
Thursday, March 28, 2024
11:00 AM ET, 10:00 AM CT, 9:00 AM MT, 8:00 AM PT
Expected Length of Call: 1 hr
Webex Link



Life Workstream of the Special (EX) Committee on Race and Insurance

Public Webex Meeting
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
11:00 AM ET, 10:00 AM CT, 9:00 AM MT, 8:00 AM PT
Expected Length of Call: 1 hr
Webex Link


Focus on barriers to access and the role of financial literacy

Feb 28 SCORI Life Workstream Webex Recording 

Life Workstream of the Special (EX) Committee on Race and Insurance

Public Webex Meeting
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
1:00 PM ET, 12:00 PM CT, 11:00 AM MT, 10:00 AM PT
Expected Length of Call: 1 hr
Webex Link


Hear presentations from Colorado Division of Insurance and the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services Division of Financial Regulation.


SCORI Health Workstream Sept 28 Meeting

Public Webex Meeting
Thursday, September 28, 2023
12:00 PM ET, 11:00 AM CT, 10:00 AM MT, 9:00 AM PT
Expected Length of Call: 90 minutes
Webex Link


Focus on Mental Health

Special (EX) Committee Health Workstream Sept 19 Meeting

Public Webex Meeting
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
3:00 PM ET, 2:00 PM CT, 1:00 PM MT, 12:00 PM PT
Expected Length of Call: 90 minutes
Webex Link


Discuss the 1332 Waiver and Evolution of Reinsurance Programs

SCORI Health Workstream July 24 Meeting

Public Webex Meeting
Monday, July 24, 2023
12:00 PM ET, 11:00 AM CT, 10:00 AM MT, 9:00 AM PT
Expected Length of Call: 90 minutes
Webex Link


Focus on Prevention

Life Workstream -- Special (EX) Committee on Race and Insurance

Public Webex Meeting
Thursday, July 20, 2023
2:00 PM ET, 1:00 PM CT, 12:00 PM MT, 11:00 AM PT
Expected Length of Call: 1 hr
Webex Link


Discuss next steps for the Life Workstream

Webex Recording

Life Workstream of the Special (EX) Committee on Race and Insurance

Public Webex Meeting
Thursday, April 13, 2023
3:00 PM ET, 2:00 PM CT, 1:00 PM MT, 12:00 PM PT
Expected Length of Call: 1 hr
Webex Link


Life Workstream of the Special (EX) Committee on Race and Insurance 

Hear a presentation from the District of Columbia Department of Insurance,  Securities and Banking.

Workstream #4 of the Special (EX) Committee on Race and Insurance

Public Webex Meeting
Wednesday, November 02, 2022
10:30 AM ET, 9:30 AM CT, 8:30 AM MT, 7:30 AM PT
Expected Length of Call: 1 hr 30 min
Webex Link

Special (EX) Committee on Race and Insurance | October 28, 2022

Public Webex Meeting
Friday, October 28, 2022
11:00 AM ET, 10:00 AM CT, 9:00 AM MT, 8:00 AM PT
Expected Length of Call: 1 hr
Webex Link


The purpose of the call is to discuss the proposed Workstream One recommendations and receive comments.


Special (EX) Committee R&I Workstream #5 Sept 29 Meeting

Public Webex Meeting
Thursday, September 29, 2022
12:00 PM ET, 11:00 AM CT, 10:00 AM MT, 9:00 AM PT
Expected Length of Call: 90 minutes
Webex Link


Consumer Engagement and Education 


Insurance Topics

Our improved resource can help you navigate committee-curated topics for a comprehensive understanding.

Related NAIC Publications


Media Inquiries
(816) 783-8909

Health Workstream:
Brian Webb
Jolie Matthews

Life Workstream:
Jennifer Cook

Property/Casualty Workstream:
Aaron Brandenburg

Please see the current Committee List for a complete list of committee members.