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Life and Annuity Illustration (A) Subgroup

2025 Membership (PDF)

2025 Charge

  1. The Life and Annuity Illustration (A) Subgroup will:
    1. Consider changes to Actuarial Guideline XLIX-A—The Application of the Life Illustrations Model Regulation to Policies with Index-Based Interest to Policies Sold on or After December 14, 2020 (AG 49-A), as needed. Provide recommendations for the consideration of changes to the Life Insurance Illustrations Model Regulation (#582) to the Task Force, as needed.
    2. Consider any guidance, actions, or recommendations that may be necessary to regulate annuity illustration practices.

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(816) 783-8909

Jennifer Frasier
Life Examination Actuary 

Please see the current Committee List for a complete list of committee members.