A link to the Application instructions for Primary Application, Section II, Filing Requirement Item 13; Expansion Application, Section II, Filing Requirement Item 12; and Corporate Amendment Application Section V, Filing Requirement Item 9 and Section VI, Filing Requirement Item 6.
Group cover letters can be submitted with Biographical affidavits that are used for officer/director changes and for expansion and corporate amendment applications (The affiant and notary signatures on the biographical affidavit must be within 6 months of the date of submission) for companies listed on the group cover letter and are under the same group code. Only the NAIC cover letter can be submitted with a UCAA. Unless otherwise noted below all uniform states accept the group cover letter when a biographical affidavit is required.
Last Updated: 02/10/2025
Updates to the information will be noted with a “ * ” next to the state name and edits will be italicized and bolded.
State | Non-Domestic Requirements For Licensure (Expansion) OR Corporate Amendment Application |
Non-Domestic Requirements after licensure (Updates Only, e.g. Annual, new officer, etc.) | State Contact Information |
AL | NAIC biographical affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification. | If requested a NAIC biographical affidavit is required for new officers/directors of foreign insurers, within 15 days of request. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: admissions@insurance.alabama.gov |
*AK |
NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification Expansion: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verifications. Form A: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verifications. |
NAIC biographical affidavit is not required for new officers or directors. |
Biographical Affidavit: Corporate Amendments Applications: Third-Party Verification Reports: |
AZ | NAIC Biographical Affidavit AND Independent Third-Party Verification. | NAIC Biographical Affidavit is not required for new officers or directors. | Biographical Affidavit Erica Bowsher erica.bowsher@difi.az.gov Third-Party Verification Reports: financialfilings@difi.az.gov |
AR | Expansion: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verifications. Foreign Corporate Amendment: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verifications. |
Per Rule 7, NAIC Biographical Affidavits are not required for new officers or a director, assuming the domestic state is reviewing changes. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Kimberly Johnson 501-371-2680 Insurance.Finance@arkansas.gov |
*CA | Expansion: Yes, Fingerprints and NAIC Biographical Affidavits. Please contact California's Department of Insurance directly at (415) 538-4035 to request the necessary fingerprint live scan (Fingerprint Instructions - Item #7) Foreign Corporate Amendment: Contact State |
After Licensure: NAIC Biographical Affidavits and Fingerprints are required for changes in Officers, Directors or Key Managerial Personnel. Disclaimer of Control: Allowed |
CAB-SF-Intake@insurance.ca.gov or contact 415-438-4035 |
CO | NAIC Biographical Affidavits and Independent Third-Party Verification reports for all foreign companies. | NAIC Biographical Affidavit is not required for new officers or directors. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Cindy Hathaway dora_ins_corporateaffairs@state.co.us |
CT | Expansion: NAIC Biographical Affidavits and Independent Third-Party Verification. License/Corporate Amendment: NAIC Biographical Affidavits are required for new officers/directors if not previously provided. |
A NAIC Biographical Affidavit is required for new officers/directors as soon as possible. | Biographical Affidavit: cid.financial@ct.gov 860-297-3800 Third-Party Verification Reports: |
DE | NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification. | NAIC biographical affidavit is not required for new officers or directors. A letter of notification is required for any changes in officers submitted electronically to berg@delaware.gov within 60 days of change. Include NAIC number, business address, phone number, email address. | Biographical Affidavit: Third-Party Verification Reports: |
DC | NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification. | NAIC biographical affidavit is not required for new officers or directors. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Nathaniel Kevin Brown Director - Financial Examinations, Insurance Bureau Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking 1050 First Street, NE, Suite 801 Washington, DC 20002 Telephone (202)442-7785 Nathaniel.Brown@dc.gov |
*FL | NAIC Biographical Affidavit, Independent Third-Party Verification and Fingerprint Cards (Fingerprint LiveScan available for Florida Residents Only). Refer to State Specific Requirements for Fingerprint Procedures. Please contact the Office of Insurance Regulation at (850) 413-2575 to request the necessary fingerprint cards or FPRequest@floir.com. Effective August 16, 2007, Florida no longer requires credit reports with the background investigations. | A NAIC biographical affidavit is required for new key officers. |
Biographical Affidavit: Property & Casualty Companies: Third-Party Verification Reports: |
GA | NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification. | Contact state for requirements. | Biographical Affidavit: RegServices@oci.ga.gov Third-Party Verification Reports: RegServices@oci.ga.gov and pcoppel@oci.ga.gov |
HI | NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification. | NAIC Biographical Affidavit is required for new Officers when filing for Mergers and Acquisitions only. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Irene Baek Insurance Examiner State of Hawaii Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs Insurance Division 335 Merchant Street, Room 213, Honolulu, HI 96813 Email: ibaek@dcca.hawaii.gov (808) 586-8151 |
ID | Expansion: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification. Foreign Corporate Amendment: NAIC Biographical Affidavit. |
A NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification report is not required for new Officers or Directors provided the company files annual and quarterly financial statements electronically with the NAIC. Foreign insurers licensed in Idaho are not required to file separate notices of changes in officers and directors. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: doi.companyactivities@doi.idaho.gov |
IL | NAIC Biographical Affidavits for all foreign companies Independent Third-Party Verification Reports are required for each Officer and Director of the applicant. | NAIC Biographical Affidavit is required for new officers or directors. Notification of a change in officers or directors is required within 30 days. Independent Third-Party Verifications are required for new officers and directors. | Biographical Affidavit: Property/Casualty Companies: Amy Trader amy.trader@illinois.gov Life, Accident & Health Companies: Pearl Stanulis pearl.stanulis@illinois.gov Third-Party Verification Reports: Mail to: Illinois Department of Insurance attn: Corporate Regulation Section 320 West Washington Springfield, IL 62767 |
*IN |
Indiana Biographical Affidavits with electronic signature which complies with the electronic transaction act (IETA) (IC 26-2-8-108) and Independent Third-Party Verification required. Note: Electronic signatures from commercially available software, such as Docusign or Esign, are acceptable. “Check the Box” signatures or “Rubber Stamp” signatures Do Not Comply. |
Notification of a change in officers or directors is required within 30 days. |
Application Submissions Corporate Amendment Updates |
IA | NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification. | NAIC Biographical Affidavit is not required for new Officers or Directors. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Dana Sanders company.licensing@iid.iowa.gov or Iowa Insurance Division Attn: Dana Sanders 1963 Bell Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 50315 |
KS | Expansion: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third- Party Verification. | NAIC Biographical Affidavit is not required for new Officers and Directors. Notification required via SBS of any change in President or Corporate Secretary. |
Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Third-party background reports should be sent electronically (via e-mail) to the following state contact: |
*KY | NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification. Group Cover Letter: Not Acceptable |
NAIC Biographical Affidavit is required for new President’s only, within 30 days. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: DOI.FinancialStandardsMail@ky.gov |
LA | Expansion Application: Complete Biographical Affidavits (Form 11) on most current form for all Officers and Directors. Independent Third-Party Verifications required for all Officers and Directors. Corporate Amendment Applications: Complete Biographical Affidavits (Form 11) on any new Officers and Directors added as a result of the transaction. |
Completed Biographical Affidavits (Form 11) on the most current form must be submitted for all “Senior Officers” as defined by state law and for all Directors within sixty days of election or appointment. Independent Third-Party Verifications are not required. For information on how to file see http://www.ldi.la.gov/industry/company-licensing/new-officers-and-direc…. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Tangela Byrd Insurance Manager Louisiana Department of Insurance 1702 North 3rd Street (70802) P.O. Box 94214 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9214 Tangela.Byrd@ldi.la.gov |
ME | NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification. | NAIC Biographical Affidavit is NOT required for new Officers or Directors. Letter of notification for changes/updates is also NOT required. |
Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Physical Delivery Address (such as FedEx and UPS): |
MD | NAIC Biographical Affidavit certified by Independent Third-Party Verification. | NAIC Biographical Affidavit is not required for new Officers or Directors. |
Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Email address: Colicensing.mia@maryland.gov |
MA | NAIC Biographical Affidavit required for Officers and Directors of all Applicant Companies. | NAIC Biographical Affidavits are not required for new Officers and Directors of foreign companies. In lieu of biographies a letter of notification is required for any changes in Officers or Directors submitted electronically to Companies.Mailbox@Mass.gov. | Biographical Affidavit: companies.mailbox@mass.gov Third-Party Verification Reports: Not Required |
MI | Expansion: NAIC Biographical Affidavit dated within 6 months of filing application and Independent Third-Party Verification Report required. Corporate Amendments: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification Report not required. |
NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification not required. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Third-party verifications should be sent directly to DIFS by the third-party verifier. Linda Martin, Application Coordinator, 517-284-8756 or martinl@michigan.gov If reports cannot be sent electronically, hard copies should be sent to: Linda Martin, Application Coordinator Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services Office of Insurance Financial and Market Regulation P. O. Box 30220 Lansing, MI 48909 OR 530 W. Allegan St., 7th Fl. Lansing, MI 48933 |
MN | Expansion Applications: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verifications are required for Expansion Applications, signatures must be original and must be dated within 6 months of application. Foreign Corporate Amendments: NAIC Biographical Affidavit required for change of control, signatures must be original and must be dated within 6 months of application. |
NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verifications are not required for new officers and directors. | Biographical Affidavit: Jenn Gagner, Applications Coordinator or Jennifer Price, Licensing Director, at companylic.commerce@state.mn.us Third-Party Verification Reports: Send to Jenn Gagner, Applications Coordinator at companylic.commerce@state.mn.us |
MS | Expansion: NAIC Biographical Affidavit Foreign Corporate Amendment: NAIC Biographical Affidavit |
NAIC Biographical Affidavit is not required for new Officers or Directors. A letter of notification is required for any changes in Officers or Directors submitted electronically to filings@mid.ms.gov. | Biographical Affidavit: Chad Bridges Email: Chad.Bridges@mid.ms.gov Phone #: 601-359-2136 Third-Party Verification Reports: Electronic Method Preferred: Email: filings@mid.ms.gov or Chad.Bridges@mid.ms.gov |
MO | NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification. | NAIC Biographical Affidavits are not required for new Officers or Directors. A letter of notification is required for any changes in Officers and Directors submitted to InsuranceSolvency@insurance.mo.gov. | Biographical Affidavit: InsuranceSolvency@insurance.mo.gov (573)526-4877 Third-Party Verification Reports: Third party verification reports should be sent in a secure fashion. We prefer to establish box accounts where the vendors can upload the reports. Each box account is specific to the vendor. Contact our Division at InsuranceSolvency@insurance.mo.gov to set up an account. |
*MT | NAIC Biographical Affidavit Group Cover Letter: Acceptable |
NAIC Biographical Affidavit is not required for new Officers or Directors. |
Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports upload to: https://transfer.mt.gov/Home/Login Contact: |
NE | Expansion: UCAA biographical affidavit and 3rd party verification but no fingerprints Foreign Corporate Amendment: UCAA biographical affidavits |
Notification of officer and director updates is required but no biographical affidavits need to be submitted. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Doi.companylicensing@nebraska.gov |
NV | Expansion: Listing of Officers, Directors and Key Managerial Personnel. | Listing required within 90 days, indicating new Officers, Directors and Key Managerial Personnel. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: finances@doi.nv.gov |
NH | NAIC Biographical Affidavit | NAIC Biographical Affidavit is not required for new Officers or Directors. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: linda.m.zalinskie@ins.nh.gov |
NJ | P&C: NAIC Biographical Affidavit L&H: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification. |
P&C and L&H: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and a letter of notification is required for any changes in Officers or Directors. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: UCAANotifications@dobi.nj.gov |
NM | NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification | A letter of notification is required for any changes in Officers and Directors. |
Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports:
*NY | NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification. | After Licensure: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification are required for changes in Officers, Directors or Key Managerial Personnel. |
Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Third party verification reports should be sent directly to NY DFS by the third-party vendor using the DFS Portal (an account is not required). A copy of the biographical affidavit is required to be included with the report. State Email Contacts: |
NC | NAIC Biographical Affidavit | NAIC Biographical Affidavit is not required for new Officers or Directors. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Scott Wicker Scott.Wicker@ncdoi.gov 919-807-6142 Third-Party Verification reports are not required by North Carolina, however, in the event the company chooses to send the reports, send to Scott Wicker. |
ND | Expansion: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification Group Cover Letter: Not Acceptable |
NAIC Biographical Affidavit is not required for new Officers or Directors. | Biographical Affidavit: Matt Fischer mattfischer@nd.gov or Nichole Feldman nrfeldman@nd.gov Third-Party Verification Reports: colicexam@nd.gov |
OH | NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification | NAIC Biographical Affidavit is not required for new Officers or Directors. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Cam Piatt clyde.piatt@insurance.ohio.gov 614 728-1074 |
*OK | Expansion: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification is required – no fingerprints. Corporate Amendment: Oklahoma will rely on the review of Biographical Affidavits by the domiciliary regulator; therefore no NAIC Biographical Affidavit will be required for new Officers or Directors of foreign/alien companies. |
Informational filing only written on company letterhead. Oklahoma will rely on the review of Biographical Affidavits by the domiciliary regulator; therefore no NAIC Biographical Affidavit will be required for new Officers or Directors of foreign/alien companies. A PDF copy of the letter can be emailed to UCAA@oid.ok.gov to eliminate paper and postage. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Ryan Rowe UCAA@oid.ok.gov for Insurers.Jeanette Pearce RIS@oid.ok.gov for Regulated Industries and |
OR | Biographical Affidavit for all Officers and Directors of the company as listed on the jurat page of the filed statement. | NAIC Biographical Affidavit is not required for new Officers or Directors. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Email: orinsreg.ins@dcbs.oregon.gov Phone number: 503-947-7982 |
PA | NAIC Biographical Affidavit | Neither NAIC Biographical Affidavits nor any other notification is required for new Officers or Directors of admitted foreign insurers. | Biographical Affidavit: Diana L. Sherman Acting Deputy Commissioner 1345 Strawberry Square Harrisburg, PA 17120 Phone: 717.503.5462 Email: disherman@pa.gov Third-Party Verification Reports: Not Required |
PR | NAIC Biographical Affidavit. | N/A | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Glorimar Santiago gsantiago@ocs.pr.gov |
RI | Expansion: Rhode Island will no longer require the Independent Third-Party Verifications. Rhode Island will only require the NAIC Biographical Affidavit. Foreign Corporate Amendment: No |
NAIC Biographical Affidavit is not required for new Officers or Directors. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Debra Almeida Debra.almeida@dbr.ri.gov |
SC | Expansion: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification are required. Foreign Corporate Amendment: NAIC Biographical Affidavit is not required for new Officers or Directors Disclaimer of Control: Allowed |
After Licensure: NAIC Biographical Affidavit is not required for new Officers or Directors | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Deonna G. Rogers drogers@doi.sc.gov |
SD | Expansion: Do Not submit Biographical Affidavits or employee organizational charts for Foreign Insurance companies. They are not required of Foreign insurance companies at any time. | NAIC Biographical Affidavits are not required for new Officers or Directors | |
TN | Expansion: NAIC Biographical Affidavit Foreign Corporate Amendment: None to TN (if filed with the domiciliary state) |
None to Tennessee (if filed with the domiciliary state) | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Phil Adams phil.adams@tn.gov |
TX | Initial application must include all Directors and the Chief Executive Officer, President, Executive Director, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer/Controller, Chief Operating Officer, Medical Director (if applicable), and any individuals that own 10% or more, beneficial ownership in the Applicant Company and the Applicant Company’s ultimate controlling person, pursuant to UCAA instructions and requirements. Fingerprint receipts from Identogo and Third-Party Verifications are needed for President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer/Controller, or equivalent positions, and any individuals that own 10% or more, beneficial ownership in the Applicant Company and the Applicant Company’s ultimate controlling person. | If the most recent Jurat page reflects the current Officers and Directors, NAIC Biographical Affidavit and fingerprint receipts do not need to be submitted. If the Jurat page is not up to date, NAIC Biographical Affidavit and fingerprint receipts are required for new key Officers within 30 days. | Biographical Affidavit: Laura Weld laura.weld@tdi.texas.gov Third-Party Verification Reports: CLRBioUpdate@tdi.texas.gov |
UT | NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification. | A letter is required listing changes for additions and/or removals. Additions: Name, Position, effective start date. Removals: Name, Position, effective separation date and state “for cause” or “not for cause.” Emails preferred over postal mail. |
Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Jay Sueoka jsueoka@utah.gov or company-renewals@utah.gov |
VT | For Licensure Expansion: NAIC Biographical Affidavit. Background reports are not required. Corporate Amendments: NAIC Biographical Affidavit is not required. |
Not Required | Biographical Affidavit: (802)-828-2470 or dfr.complic@vermont.gov Third-Party Verification Reports: Contact state if requested |
*VA | Expansion: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification are required. Corporate Amendment: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification are NOT required. |
NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification are not required for new Officers or Directors. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: BOI Company Licensing Financial Analyst Direct Line: (804) 371-9432 BOICOLIC@scc.virginia.gov |
*WA | Expansion: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification are required. Corporate Amendment: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification are NOT required. |
NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification are not required for new Officers or Directors. | Biographical Affidavit: Jason Carr jason.carr@oic.wa.gov Third-Party Verification Reports: clc@oic.wa.gov |
WV | Expansion: NAIC Biographical Affidavit is required. | After Licensure: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Notifications are not required for new officers and/or directors OR amendments to officers and/or directors. |
WV Offices of the Insurance Commissioner *Do not email Bio's to the above email. They can be viewed in UCAA or sent to: WV Offices of the Insurance Commissioner Third-Party Verification Reports: |
WI | Expansion: NAIC Biographical Affidavit required (but not fingerprints or Independent Third-Party Verifications) Corporate Amendment: NAIC Biographical Affidavits are required for the office of President and/or Chief Executive Officer (CEO) only, or the changes of those officers. Independent Third-Party Verifications are not required. |
Written notices for any changes in the company president or secretary. (Bios, Fingerprints and Independent Third-Party Verifications are not required.) | Biographical Affidavit: Suzanne Vinmans suzanne.vinmans@wisconsin.gov or Mark McNabb mark.mcnabb@wisconsin.gov or Christopher Martin christopherj.martin@wisconsin.gov Third-Party Verification Reports: Contact the state if requested |
*WY | Expansion: NAIC Biographical Affidavit and Independent Third-Party Verification. Corporate Amendment: NAIC Biographical Affidavit are required for the office of President and/or Chief Executive Officer (CEO) only, or the changes of those officers. Independent Third-Party Verifications are NOT required. |
NAIC Biographical Affidavit is only required for new President/CEO, within 90 days. | Biographical Affidavit and Third-Party Verification Reports: Tracy McEwen tracy.mcewen1@wyo.gov |