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Appendix E - Statutory Issue Papers | NAIC
Appendix E - Statutory Issue Papers

Issue papers provide historical documentation of discussions and issues leading to the adoption of new statutory accounting concepts. Captured in Level 5 of the Statutory Hierarchy of the Preamble, issue papers shall only be used and applied if they do not conflict with other sources of statutory guidance. Issue papers are included in Appendix E of the Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual the first year after adoption of the related SSAP, and are then removed from the subsequent year's AP&P Manual and posted for public reference on the Statutory Accounting Principles (E) Working Group web page.

IP No. Title SSAP Reference
    Original Authoritative Literature Current Authoritative Literature
1 Consolidation of Majority-Owned Subsidiaries 3 3 and 97
2 Definition of Cash 2 2R
3 Accounting Changes 3 3
4 Definition of Assets and Nonadmitted Assets 4 4
5 Definition of Liabilities, Loss Contingencies and
Impairments of Assets
5 5R
6 Amounts Due From Agents and Brokers 6 6
7 Asset Valuation Reserve and Interest Maintenance Reserve 7 7
8 Accounting for Pensions 8 102
9 Subsequent Events 9 9
10 Uncollected Premium Balances 6 6
11 Compensated Absences 11 11
12 Accounting for Drafts Issued and Outstanding 2 2R
13 Employers’ Accounting for Postemployment Benefits 11 11
14 Employers’ Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other
Than Pensions
14 92
16 Electronic Data Processing Equipment and Software 16 16R
17 Preoperating and Research and Development Costs 17 17
19 Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment 19 19
20 Gain Contingencies 5 5R
21 Bills Receivable For Premiums 6 6
22 Leases 22 22
23 Property Occupied by the Company 40 40R
24 Discontinued Operations and Extraordinary Items 24 24
25 Accounting for and Disclosures about Transactions with
Affiliates and Other Related Parties
25 25
26 Bonds, Excluding Loan-Backed and Structured Securities 26 26
27 Disclosure of Information about Financial Instruments with
Concentration of Credit Risk
27 27
28 Short-Term Investments 2 2R
29 Prepaid Expenses (excluding deferred policy acquisition
costs and other underwriting expenses, income taxes and guaranty fund assessments)
29 29
30 Investments in Common Stock (excluding investments in
common stock of subsidiary, controlled, or affiliated entities)
30 30
31 Leasehold Improvements Paid by the Reporting Entity as
19 19
32 Investments in Preferred Stock (excluding investments in
preferred stock of subsidiary, controlled, or affiliated entities)
32 32
33 Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instruments 27 27
34 Investment Income Due and Accrued 34 34
35 Accounting for Guaranty Fund and Other Assessments 35 35R
36 Troubled Debt Restructurings 36 36
37 Mortgage Loans 37 37
38 Acquisition, Development and Construction Arrangements 38 38
39 Reverse Mortgages 39 39
40 Real Estate Investments 40 40R
41 Surplus Notes 41 41R
42 Sale of Premium Receivables 42 42
43 Loan-Backed and Structured Securities 43 43R
44 Capitalization of Interest 44 44
45 Repurchase Agreements, Reverse Repurchase Agreements and Dollar Repurchase Agreements 45 103R
46 Accounting for Investments in Subsidiary, Controlled and
Affiliated Entities
46 97
47 Uninsured Plans 47 47
48 Investments in Joint Ventures, Partnerships and Limited
Liability Companies
48 48
49 Policy Loans 49 49
50 Classifications and Definitions of Insurance or Managed
Care Contracts in Force
50 50
51 Life Contracts 51 51R
52 Deposit-Type Contracts 52 52
53 Property Casualty Contracts–Premiums 53 53
54 Individual and Group Accident and Health Contracts 54 54R
55 Unpaid Claims, Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses 55 55
56 Universal Life-Type Contracts, Policyholder Dividends,
and Coupons
51 51R
57 Title Insurance 57 57
59 Credit Life and Accident and Health Insurance Contracts 59 59
65 Property and Casualty Contracts 65 65
66 Accounting for Retrospectively Rated Contracts 66 66
67 Depreciation of Property and Amortization of Leasehold
19 19
68 Business Combinations and Goodwill 68 68
69 Financial Guaranty Insurance 60 60
71 Policy Acquisition Costs and Commissions 71 71
72 Statutory Surplus 72 72
73 Nonmonetary Transactions 28 95
74 Life, Deposit-Type and Accident and Health Reinsurance 61 61R
75 Property and Casualty Reinsurance 62 62R
76 Offsetting and Netting of Assets and Liabilities 64 64
77 Disclosure of Accounting Policies, Risks & Uncertainties,
and Other Disclosures
1 1
78 Employee Stock Ownership Plans 12 12
80 Debt 15 15
81 Foreign Currency Transactions and Translations 23 23
82 Stock Options and Stock Purchase Plans 13 104R
83 Accounting for Income Taxes 10 101
84 Quasi-Reorganizations 72 72
85 Derivative Instruments 27 and 86 27 and 86
86 Securitization 33 103R
87 Other Admitted Assets 21 21
88 Mortgage Guaranty Insurance 58 58
89 Separate Accounts 56 56
90 Nonadmitted Assets 20 20
92 Statement of Cash Flow 69 69
94 Allocation of Expenses 70 70
95 Holding Company Obligations 15 15
96 Other Liabilities 67 67
97 Underwriting Pools and Associations Including
Intercompany Pools
63 63
99 Nonapplicable GAAP Pronouncements Refer to Appendix D – Nonapplicable GAAP Pronouncements
100 Health Care Delivery Assets—Supplies, Pharmaceuticals
and Surgical Supplies, and Durable Medical Equipment
73 73
101 Health Care Delivery Assets—Furniture, Medical
Equipment and Fixtures, and Leasehold Improvements in Health Care Facilities
73 73
103 Accounting for the Issuance of Insurance-Linked Securities Issued by a Property and Casualty Insurer through a Protected Cell 74 74
104 Reinsurance Deposit Accounting—An Amendment to
SSAP No. 62—Property and Casualty Reinsurance
62R 62R
105 Reporting on the Costs of Start-Up Activities 76 76
106 Real Estate Sales—An Amendment to SSAP No. 40—Real Estate Investments 77 40R
107 Certain Health Care Receivables and Receivables Under
Government Insured Plans
84 84
108 Multiple Peril Crop Insurance 78 78
109 Depreciation of Nonoperating System Software—An
Amendment to SSAP No. 16—Electronic Data
Processing Equipment and Software
79 16R
110 Life Contracts, Deposit-Type Contracts and Separate
Accounts, Amendments to SSAP No. 51—Life Contracts, SSAP No. 52—Deposit-Type Contracts, and SSAP No. 56—Separate Accounts
51, 52, and 56 51R, 52, and 56
111 Software Revenue Recognition 81 16R
112 Accounting for the Costs of Computer Software Developed or Obtained for Internal Use and Web Site Development Costs 82 16R
113 Mezzanine Real Estate Loans 83 83
114 Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging
86 86
116 Claim Adjustment Expenses, Amendments to SSAP No.
55—Unpaid Claims, Losses and Loss Adjustment
85 55
118 Investments in Subsidiary, Controlled and Affiliated
Entities, A Replacement of SSAP No. 46
68 and 97 68 and 97
119 Capitalization Policy, An Amendment to SSAP Nos. 4, 19,
29, 73, 79 and 82
87 4, 19, 29 and 73
121 Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Real Estate
90 90
122 Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities 91 103R
123 Accounting for Pensions, A Replacement of SSAP No. 8 89 102
124 Treatment of Cash Flows When Quantifying Changes in
Valuation and Impairments, an Amendment of SSAP No. 43
43R 43R
125 Accounting for Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Property
48 and 93 48 and 93
126 Accounting for Transferable State Tax Credits 94 94R
127 Exchanges of Nonmonetary Assets, A Replacement of
SSAP No. 28—Nonmonetary Transactions
90 and 95 90 and 95
128 Settlement Requirements for Intercompany Transactions,
An Amendment to SSAP No.25—Accounting for and
Disclosures about Transactions with Affiliates and
Other Related Parties
96 25
129 Share-Based Payment, A Replacement of SSAP No. 13—
Stock Options and Stock Purchase Plans
104 104R
131 Accounting for Certain Securities Subsequent to an Other-
Than-Temporary Impairment
99 26R, 32 and 34
132 Accounting for Pensions, A Replacement of SSAP No. 89 102 102
133 Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than
Pensions, A Replacement of SSAP No. 14
92 92
134 Servicing Assets/Liabilities, An Amendment of SSAP No.
91R 103R
135 Guarantor’s Accounting and Disclosure Requirements for
Guarantees, Including Indirect Guarantees of
Indebtedness of Others
5R 5R
137 Transfer of Property and Casualty Reinsurance Agreements in Run-Off 62R 62R
138 Fair Value Measurements 100 100
140 Substantive Revisions to SSAP No. 43—Loan-Backed and Structured Securities 43R 43R
141 Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities 103 103R
143R Guaranty Fund Assessments 35R 35R
144 Substantive Revisions to SSAP No. 91R: Securities
91R 103R
145 Accounting for Transferable and Non-Transferable State
Tax Credits
94R 94R
146 Share-Based Payments With Non-Employees 104R 104R
147 Working Capital Finance Investments 105 105
148 Affordable Care Act Section 9010 Assessment 35R 106
149 Wholly-Owned Single Real Estate Property in an LLC 40R 40R
150 Accounting for the Risk-Sharing Provisions of the
Affordable Care Act
107 107
151 Valuation for Holders of Surplus Notes 41 41R
152 Short Sales 103 103R
153 Counterparty Reporting Exception for Asbestos and Pollution Contracts 62R 62R
154 Implementation of Principle-Based Reserving 51; 54 51R; 54R
155 Classification of Money Market Mutual Funds as Cash Equivalents 2 2R
156 Bonds 26 26R
157 Use of Net Asset Value 100 100R
158 Unaffiliated Common Stock 30 30R
159 Special Accounting Treatment for Limited Derivatives 108 108
160 Structured Settlements Acquired as Investments 21R 21R
161 Leases 22 22R
162 Property and Casualty Reinsurance Credit 62R 62R
163 Working Capital Finance Investment Updates 105 105R
164 Preferred Stock 32 32R
165 Levelized Commission 71 71
166 Updates to the Definition of an Asset 4 4
167 Derivatives and Hedging 86 86
168 Updates to the Definition of a Liability 5R 5R
169 Principles-Based Bond Definition 26R and 43R 26 and 43