- Health Insurance and Managed Care (B) Committee
- Consumer Information (B) Working Group
- Health Actuarial (B) Task Force
- Long-Term Care Actuarial (B) Working Group
- Health Innovations (B) Working Group
- Long-Term Care Insurance (B) Task Force (disbanded)
- Regulatory Framework (B) Task Force
- Accident and Sickness Insurance Minimum Standards (B) Subgroup (disbanded)
- Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) (B) Working Group
- Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) (B) Working Group
- Pharmaceutical Benefit Management Regulatory Issues (B) Working Group
- Senior Issues (B) Task Force
- Health Insurance and Managed Care (B) Committee
- Consumer Information (B) Working Group
- Health Actuarial (B) Task Force
- Long-Term Care Actuarial (B) Working Group
- Health Innovations (B) Working Group
- Long-Term Care Insurance (B) Task Force (disbanded)
- Regulatory Framework (B) Task Force
- Accident and Sickness Insurance Minimum Standards (B) Subgroup (disbanded)
- Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) (B) Working Group
- Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) (B) Working Group
- Pharmaceutical Benefit Management Regulatory Issues (B) Working Group
- Senior Issues (B) Task Force
2025 Charges
- The Pharmaceutical Benefit Management Regulatory Issues (B) Working Group will:
- Serve as a forum to educate state insurance regulators on issues related to pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) regulation and other stakeholders in the prescription drug ecosystem.
- Gather and share information, best practices, experience, and data to inform and support dialogue and information-sharing among state insurance regulators on issues related to PBM regulation, such as examinations and contracting, and pharmaceutical drug pricing and transparency.
- As the subject matter experts (SMEs) and to promote uniformity across the states, while remaining sensitive to the variation in state approaches, develop a chapter for inclusion in the Market Regulation Handbook establishing examination standards for PBMs and related regulated entities for referral and consideration by the Market Conduct Examination Guidelines (D) Working Group.
- Maintain a current listing of PBM laws and regulations and case law for reference by state insurance regulators.
- Disseminate materials and reports, via the NAIC, to the states and the U.S. territories wishing to use the information gathered by the Working Group.
- Monitor, facilitate, and coordinate with the states and federal agencies to ensure compliance and enforcement efforts regarding PBMs.
Pharmaceutical Benefit Management Regulatory Issues (B) Working Group
Monday, November 18, 2024
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MT
Gaylord Rockies Hotel—Aurora Ballroom B—Level 2
Public Webex Meeting
Friday, June 07, 2024
1:00 PM ET, 12:00 PM CT, 11:00 AM MT, 10:00 AM PT
Expected Length of Call: 1 hr
Webex Link
Discuss and Potentially Consider Adoption of Subgroup 2024 Revised Charges
Public Webex Meeting
Thursday, May 02, 2024
12:00 PM ET, 11:00 AM CT, 10:00 AM MT, 9:00 AM PT
Expected Length of Call: 1 hr
Webex Link
Discuss Stakeholder Comments on the Subgroup's proposed revised 2024 charges
Insurance Topics
Our improved resource can help you navigate committee-curated topics for a comprehensive understanding.
ExploreState Pharmacy Benefit Manager Registration and Licensing Laws (October 2021)
Compilation of State Pharmacy Benefit Manager Business Practice Laws (February 2023)
Media Inquiries
(816) 783-8909
Jolie H. Matthews
Senior Health Policy Advisor and Counsel
Please see the current Committee List for a complete list of committee members.