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Advisory Organization (D) Working Group

    2024 Membership

    The Advisory Organization (D) Working Group's purpose and current charges are focused on the examination of licensed national advisory organizations.

    2025 Charges

    1. The Advisory Organization (D) Working Group will:
      1. Revise the protocols, as necessary, for the examination of national or multistate advisory organizations (including rating organizations and statistical agents) to be more comprehensive and efficient. Solicit input and collaboration from other interested and affected committees and task forces.
      2. Monitor the data reporting and data collection processes of advisory organizations (including rating organizations and statistical agents) to determine if they are implementing appropriate measures to ensure data quality. Report the results of this ongoing charge, as needed.
      3. Actively assist with and coordinate multistate examinations of advisory organizations (including rating organizations and statistical agents).

    There are no call materials at this time.

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    Media Inquiries
    (816) 783-8909

    Paul Santillanes
    Market Regulation
    Collaborative Action Coordinator

    Randy Helder
    Assistant Director, Market Regulation

    Please see the current Committee List for a complete list of committee members.