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Catastrophe Insurance (C) Working Group

2025 Membership (PDF)


2025 Charges

  1. The Catastrophe Insurance (C) Working Group will:
    1. Monitor and recommend measures to improve the availability and affordability of insurance and reinsurance related to catastrophe perils for personal and commercial lines.
    2. Evaluate potential state, regional, and national programs to increase capacity for insurance and reinsurance related to catastrophe perils, including mitigation efforts being used in states and investigating loss trends in homeowners markets, with the goal to provide rate stability in the marketplace and protect consumers.
    3. Monitor and assess proposals that address disaster insurance issues at the federal and state levels. Assess concentration-of-risk issues and whether a regulatory solution is needed.
    4. Provide a forum for discussing issues and recommending solutions related to insuring for catastrophe risk, including terrorism, war, and natural disasters.
    5. Investigate and recommend ways the NAIC can assist states in responding to disasters by continuing to build the NAIC’s Catastrophe Resource Center for state insurance regulators to better prepare for disasters.
    6. Continue to monitor the growth of the private flood insurance market and assess the actions taken by individual states to facilitate growth. Update the Considerations for Private Flood Insurance appendix to include new ways states are growing the private flood insurance market and discuss.
    7. Collaborate with other NAIC task forces and working groups regarding discussion of comparable topics, monitor catastrophe-related data calls, and keep informed about projects addressing the special needs of catastrophe data.
    8. Study, in coordination with other NAIC task forces and working groups, earthquake, severe convective storms, and wildfire matters of concern to state insurance regulators.
    9. Work with the Catastrophe Modeling Center of Excellence (COE) in order to be aware of what states are doing related to mitigation.
Joint Meeting of the Catastrophe Insurance (C) Working Group and NAIC/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (C) Working Group

Joint Meeting of the Catastrophe Insurance (C) Working Group and NAIC/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (C) Working Group
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EDT

JW Marriott Indianapolis—JW Grand 1–4—Level 3

Catastrophe Insurance (C) Working Group

Public Conference Call
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
2:00 PM ET, 1:00 PM CT, 12:00 PM MT, 11:00 AM PT
Expected Length of Call: 1 hr
Webex Link

Adopt Summer National Meeting minutes and vote to expose the Catastrophe Modeling Primer.

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Media Inquiries
(816) 783-8909

Sara Robben
Regulatory Research Specialist

Please see the current Committee List for a complete list of committee members.