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Producer Licensing Uniformity (D) Working Group

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  1. The Producer Licensing Uniformity (D) Working Group will:
    1. Work closely with state producer licensing directors and exam vendors to ensure that 1) the states achieve full compliance with the standards in order to achieve greater uniformity and 2) the exams test the qualifications for an entry-level position as a producer.
    2. Provide oversight and ongoing updates to the State Licensing Handbook, as needed.
    3. Monitor and assess the state implementation of the Uniform Licensing Standards (ULS) and update the standards, as needed.
    4. Review and update the NAIC’s uniform producer licensing applications and uniform appointment form, as needed. Provide any recommended updates to the Producer Licensing (D) Task Force by the NAIC Summer National Meeting.

There are no call materials at this time.

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(816) 783-8909

Greg Welker
Sr. Antifraud and Producer Licensing Program Manager

Tim Mullen
Director, Market Regulation

Please see the current Committee List for a complete list of committee members.