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Financial Stability (E) Task Force

2025 Membership (PDF)

The mission of the Financial Stability (E) Task Force is to consider domestic or global financial stability issues and their impact on the role of state insurance regulators.

2025 Charges

  1. The Financial Stability (E) Task Force will:
    1. Manage the macroprudential supervisory component of the NAIC financial solvency framework.
      1. Monitor the U.S. insurance industry’s macroprudential risk levels.
      2. Maintain macroprudential regulatory tools.
      3. Identify data gaps and enhanced disclosure needs for the statutory financial statement and/or other reporting mechanisms.
      4. Propose enhancements and/or additional supervisory measures to the Financial Condition (E) Committee or other relevant committees, and consult with such committees on implementation.
    2. Monitor U.S. macroprudential policy issues, and respond as appropriate.
      1. Support and work with the state insurance regulator representative to the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) to address confidential FSOC or other federal agency macroprudential work.
      2. Participate in public FSOC or other federal agency macroprudential work.
    3. Monitor international macroprudential policy issues, and participate/respond as appropriate.
      1. Coordinate with the International Insurance Relations (G) Committee to address International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) or other international macroprudential work.
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Education & Training Events

There are no education and training events at this time.

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Media Inquiries
(816) 783-8909

Tim Nauheimer
Manager, Macroprudential Supervision

Todd Sells
Director, Financial Regulatory Policy & Data

Please see the current Committee List for a complete list of committee members.